Isn't she lovely?

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9 months later

After 16 hours of excruciating pain, two broken doctor fingers and lots and lots of ear racking screams. You were a mother, and Sherlock was father. You felt so much joy, that you though you might pass out from it.

2 hours earlier
Sherlock's POV
It's been nearly 16 hours and the doctors still haven't come out.
"Hey, calm down. It's your first child, so it may take time." John laid his hand on my bouncing knee.
"Ugh, John. I can't. I can't just sit here, knowing that my Love is going through a lot of pain. I don't know how men just sit here and pray for the best." I said throwing my arms around. "Oh sir please sit here while your wife screams for 16 hours. Oh don't mind the doctors that broke their fingers, sometimes epidurals don't work on about 5% of our patients. So your wife is in a lot of pain." I looked over at my brother, who is just sitting like a prefect child. "Oh ok so my wife is probably dying. Alright let's just all sit here and maybe a unicorn will come in a make all bady- wady pain go bye bye, and we can live happily ever after." I straighten up at what I just said and looked at the people who were sitting in front of me. John and Mary sat there with their child. Mycroft and our parents, then there was Mrs. Hudson, and Molly, and that guy that no one knows his name. Then, there's Donovan and Anderson. "Wait, why the hell is Anderson here?" They all came for me, for my wife and our unborn child.
"I'm sorry! I should really be calm. I mean look at you lot, all sitting here watching a guy who always keeps calm, freaking out over a little thing as this. Thank you for being here for us!" I said as I tried to go back to my normal self.
"Of course, Sherlock. We're family, and that's what families do." Mary said as she hugged me. Then John and my parents. Soon everybody was in the hug, even Mycroft. As we all sat back down, the doctor came out.
"Mr. Holmes, I'm happy to announce it's a girl. Congratulations!" Everyone cheered with joy, and for the first time real tears of joy fell from my eyes. The doctor lead us to the room that held my now two beautiful girls. There she was my wife, holding a chubby bundle of joy in a pink blanket.
"I was thinking Annabelle Joy Holmes." (Y/n) said as she handed her to me.
"It's lovely! She's lovely" I said with tears in my eyes. This was the best day of my life.

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