The Big Reveal (part2)

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4 days to go

Your POV:
You woke up at 9 o'clock, to a beautiful bouquet of (f/c) (f/f), and note upon the side
To my sweet Darling,
I hope your day is beautiful as much as you are. Sorry I didn't cook you breakfast today, I was called in early. Also, I wouldn't get to stop by at noon, the case is a tight one. Oh, I hope you can forgive me? I'll see you tonight.
With love
Sherlock XOXO
"Perfect, this gives me more time to talk with Mycroft." I thought as I got up and got dressed. I was about to run down the stairs, when Mrs. Hudson popped in my view.
"Where are you going in quite a rush, Dearie?" She asked all concerned.
"Off to see Mycroft." I replied.
"This early in the morning, but why?" She asked.
"Mrs. Hudson, can you keep a secret?" She looked a little confused, but nodded. "You can't tell Sherlock at all." She nods again as I grab her hands.
" I'm going to see Mycroft and ask for some help in surprising Sherlock for Father's Day." Then she smiles, and asked
"Oh! What did you get him?" I looked around to make sure Sherlock was really gone.
"Well... That's the secret. I'm pregnant!" Her smile got bigger and she hugged my very tightly.
"Alright, I'll keep that on lock. Congratulations, Dearie! Oh, I best be off to buy some things then." She said as she ran off to possible grab her bag. I headed out to the streets of London. It always smelled like rain, but guess with the pregnancy, it just amplified today. I grabbed a cab, and headed over to The Diogenes Club. Once I got there, I paid the cabbie, and walk to the giant oak doors. Upon entering, men stared at me, as if I had disrupted their thinking, but I ignored them and walking over to the front desk. I signed to see if "Mycroft was in?". He signed "I'll check." "Thank you" I smiled as he ran off. After 10 minutes, the receptionist came back and signed "Follow me." I walked behind him as he took me down some series of hallways. When we got there, he opened the door. I nodded in thanks.
"Mycroft?" I asked looking around.
"Now what is it that my brother did? I do hope, he hasn't ran off again. That would be most.......upsetting." He smiled wickedly at you.
"I know you care for your brother, but you got a funny way of showing. That's not why I'm here. I was wondering if the cameras you have in our flat are still working?" I asked while looking him in the eyes. He looked at my with disbelief. He gave me that fake smile, and denied every word.
"I... I don't know... What your talking about, (y/n)."
"Really? I was stuck in that house for about a week, and all I did was clean. I found three cameras in the living room and one in the kitchen. Would you like to know where the others are?" He shook his head, and looked down in pity. "Mycroft, you of all people should know that I was send to London, because I know how to do my job. Being a detective, finding things that don't belong." I looked at him. Sighing, he looked back up at me.
"So why do you need them?" He asked. I smiled really big.
"Well, Mycroft. Let's just say, in about 9 months, Uncle is going to be your first name." I saw his face go from placid, to wide eyed shock, to a genuine smile. This might have been the only time a true smile formed on his face.
"Really? When did you find o... Never mind I can look those records up later, but congratulations! My my my, an uncle. Wow!" He stood up and hugged me, even if he wasn't a hugger, that hug showed his human side.
"When do you plan on telling Sherlock, or has he already found out?"
"Mycroft, he couldn't deduce anything about me when we first met. He still can't now!" I laughed afterwards. "I was planning for Father's Day."
"I'll have them up and ready by then."
"Thank you!" I said as I stood up and walked out.

Mycroft's POV
"Uncle Mycroft." I though while shaking my head.

Sherlock's POV
"Why is she late? She should be home by now." My leg was bouncing, as I held my gun in the one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. Then I heard, a cab pull up by the flats and the door to it shut. Sat there a couple of minutes, then the door opened up and my wife emerge from the shadows. I shot the wall to grabbed her attention, evidently it caused her to scream. Her hand on her heart, she turned to me with wide eyes.
"You're going to have to stop doing that soon." She said sitting on the chair across from me.
"Where were you?" I asked handing her the box of chocolates.
" I was going out shopping, but decided to chat with your brother." She said as she stood from the chair, and walked over to me.
"About?" I was quick to the draw. She leaned in and kissed my cheek.
"Nothing you need to worry about, ok" She said as she kissed my lips. Her lips could always make me shut up. She straightened up and headed to our room.
"Goodnight Love!" She said as she closed the door. By midnight, I guess it was time to go to bed. Rising from my chair, I popped my back and walked in our room. There she was ,my beautiful angel, sleeping as if the world was never filled with idiots (Anderson) and murders. If I could wake her and tell her that I would protect her with my life, I would. The though of her laying there with a calm expression on her face, made my think if I should wake her to this hellish world, all the pain of it would harm her. Iclimbed into bed, and wrapped my arm around her waist.
"What goes on in that beautiful mind of your, my Dove?"

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