Chapter 5

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Here's another pov of the guys hope you like it. Been a minute since an update but here it is. Enjoy.



You think I didn't want to be there? You think the shit was easy huh? Nah Mauricio I had to leave.....

But ya ass left me for that nothing ass nigga. He still beat you don't he....

Nah son I left for a better life and don't fuckin question me I'm your mother...

Fuck that you left me on the streets and you call yourself a mother. Fuck you....

I turned around to view my life down the barrel of a gun.


I shot out bed scared of what possibly happened. I turned my room light on and looked all over to make sure I was alright. It's been 4 years since I've seen her, my mother. Every since that night when she left I've been having the same dreams. Never knew how they ended and wasn't playing on finding out. For now I've been living on my own in an apartment and attending NYU. Still didn't stop me not matter what she did. I use to be in all the shits. Drugs, selling, and hoes. Had to quick when she left it wasn't what I wanted in life. 21 and still get things together.

I grabbed some clothes and payed them out. Yea sell drugs got me hella money but that didn't mean I wasted it on nothing. Of course I had designer shit but I was never too flashy like these other motherfuckers. After I got out the shower and I got dressed, I grabbed a pop tart and headed out the door to class.

After sitting in a classroom for three long ass hours I decided to head to the library to catch up on work. Yea I took my shit seriously. It was my last year and I had to get shit done. I got some studying in. Or at least I thought. I couldn't help but start to think about big boot.... I mean Bri. I wanted ha. I felt something different bout her. At that moment I realized it was 8:15 and forgot I had a "date." Still didn't understand the reason for the damn running shoes though. But hey I did as I was told. I made the quick drive home and changed into my running tights, shoes and a comfortable shirt. Yes everything Nike. Before I left I grabbed a few water bottles. Then headed to Stenmark. I arrived and there she was doing field stretches. I took the moment to take in the view before she noticed me.

"You gonna stand there or you coming over!" She yelled causing me to stop thinking and staring.

I jogged over and and set my things next to hers. She reached up and gave me a hug. For a girl she quite tall but to me she a shorty.

"Your late." She laughed and looked at me. I straight faced her and she laughed even harder.

"It's only 8:40. Fawk you mean I'm late?"

"You supposed to be earlier dip shit." She playfully punched my chest.

"Ouch man handed ass. And nah you told me a certain and plus I was here five minutes early." I pushed her and she began to chase me. She tackled me and we rolled onto the ground. I landed on top of her pinning her arms down and she gritted her teeth.

"Calm down tiger." Laughing I looked at her again and the girl roars.

Did she just-? I know damn well she didn't just fucking roar at me?

"Hell was that?" I was confused and we were still on the ground.

"You called me a tiger. What you expect? Me to meow?!"

"You crazy man." We both got up laughing. She starting to grow on me. She dusted her butt off and picked grass out of her hair.

"Ok time to work out fatty?" She rubbed my belly and giggled.

"Girl this ain't no fat. Dis rhi here is dat solid. Haha."

"Ok jelly roll..." She laughed and took off running. I chased her around the track and let me tell you this girl can run!

"Ok ok I quit. My legs burning. Ahhh... Damn. Jesus!!" I bent down and tried to catch my breathe. I felt like I was gonna cave in so I put my hands on top of my head. "What time is it?"

"10:43." She began stretching again.

"Ok lil mama. I'm done for today. Let's go eat. I done burned very calorie for a year ago and then some."

"See I told ya fatty." I straight faced her causing her to laugh. "Where you parked at babygirl?"

"I walked here."

I looked at her confused as hell. "I guess we taking car."

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