Chapter two- Ditching the First Day

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Out of the blue, blonde bimbo pops up.

"Hey....Breanna. Oh and yes, that's where I'm heading right now," I replied slowly hoping she wasn't too busy applying lip gloss with her overly-manicured hands. "Why are you asking?"

"Huh? Oh, I heard you had classes with Jake. Jake Baker. He is like a sex god! I'm so jealous of you! Hooker!" She smiled and laughed at her own joke. "Amanda, you know I'm kidding! I would never call you that and mean it! Well, I've got to head to Spanish class." Breanna turned to look at her friend, Caitlyn. "Come on Caitlyn! We can't be late on our first day! Bye Amanda." and with that her and her follower Caitlyn left. Glad that's over!


"Okay, since it's your first day, I need you to pick out your French names. It's just so awkward when you have to switch between the two languages," Mrs. Harrington explained.

As everyone was looking at a list of boy and girl French names, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see none other than the fabulous, sex god of a man, Jake Baker. "Yes?" I asked nervously.

"Hey Babe, I'm Jake," He greeted me. "Can I borrow a pencil? I know it's the first day and all, but I completely forgot one."

Wow, he forgot a pencil, on the freaking first day. Either this guy is trying to reach his goal of scoring 200 girls before graduation, or he's just really stupid. Judging by how he's looking at me, I'm thinking the first option. I smirked playing along, "You know what, I don't seem to have an extra pencil with me. I guess you'll just have to go without one," I winked.

Jake looked unphased. "Well then, looks like I'll just have to borrow yours." And just like that he leaned over me and grabbed my pencil. He started to turn around but then stopped and looked at me with a successful smirk on his face. "What did you say your name was again?"

"I didn't," I stated simply and turned around. Now who was smirking? That's right, me!

Right about that time Ashton burst into the room screaming. "Mrs. Harrington, I need to talk to Amanda! It's important." His eyes searched to room for mine. Quickly they found each other. I was expecting his usual happy self hidden under fake urgency, but this was the real thing. His shining excited eyes were now masked with fear.

"Will she be coming back Mr. Carper?"

"No mam," he answered breathless. It seemed as if he'd been running or more like crying.

"Well alright then, I'll see you tomorrow. Just find a French name online and tell me it tomorrow. Goodbye." Mrs. Harrington was such a push-over.


"Amanda, something has gone horribly wrong!" Ash yelled when we were outside the classroom.

I looked at him trying to hide the worried expression on my face. "What?" I asked trembling with fear.

"These teachers, they get easier to fool every year!" I smiled at the fact that he just wanted to skip.

"Ash! That was not funny at all! You had me flipping out! I thought you were going to say you were dying or something! NOT FUNNY." I said holding back a laugh and slapping him hard on the arm.

"Ouch!" He laughed. "Come on, let's ditch this place. I'll race you!"

Like a bullet he ran through the school doors, flailing his arms out like he was an airplane. I followed closely behind doing the same. Soon, we were in his car and driving away to his house.

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