The enemy of my enemy is my friend

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A clear tone is heard as the phone dials. Click. Some one just picked up.

"Yes?" A voice is heard, male, very deep, with a hint of urgency and worry. Damn why cant i sound like that, he must get all the ladies.

"Its me, I'm fine, its not the Organization, some one wants to talk to you." She looks at smith as he takes the phone away from her ear and puts it on speaker.

"My name is Smith and your friend is in my care at the moment, and don't worry shes fine. The reason shes fine and why we are calling is because it seems we happen to dislike the same people. The Organization. Am i correct with that assumption?" Its quiet for a wile , this is after all a huge decision for them as well, this could very easily be a trap. They most likely will hang up and never be seen again.

"That's right, we are not on good terms with them, so whats your play?" Very calm and collected, they made their decision.

"We want to arrange a meet up, see if we cant discuss this friendship and maybe partnership further."

"When and where"

"Times Square tonight. At 22:00 hours."

Making it today leaves them no time to set up anything shady, even less so in times square on a Friday night. Its gonna be extremely busy. Easy to melt away into the crowd should anything happen, also hard to listen in on what will be said with all the noise and people, unless some ones wearing a microphone. Also means only weapons we can have is what we can hide under our clothes.
It sucks for them that we are calling the place since they still might suspect its the Organization, but it being Times Square should make them okay with it hopefully.

"We will be there."

"We will call at 22:00 hours and give you the exact place." He hangs up and puts the phone back in his pocket and walks up to me, motioning me to follow him outside. As we leave and he closes the door he turns to me.

"Give her some more blood so shes not hungry anymore, and do what you need to be ready to leave at 20:00. Also learn as much as you can about the group, what type of training do they have, how long they have known each other. Whats the relationship between them like. And more exactly why they see the organization as a enemy, apart from being hunted by them."

"Will do." We exchange nods as he walks into the command center. I follow him in and grab 2 blood bags from the fridge. Smith pulls out a map of New York that he begins looking at, planning for tonight.
I walk back into the cell, and start hanging the two bags.

"I can remove all the restraints but i wont be able to let you out of the room." I look down at her face still hanging the bags. Only reason I'm doing that is to establish that we are trying to be their friends by being nice to her. Id let her be stuck there until we left otherwise, its probably extremely uncomfortable.

"I would really appreciate that, one hell of a tape job you did." The side of her mouse comes up as a sort of half smile as she meets my eyes.

I pull out my pocked knife and start cutting her loose, i taped her in after zip tying her arms behind her back, she probably cant feel her arms since yesterday, the blood coming back in them is gonna hurt like hell.
I cut her loose and get the zip ties off, and help her rip off all the tape from her clothes.
She sits back in the chair her hands in her lap.
I put the knife back in my pocket and take a step back standing in front of her, my arms across my chest.

"What kind of training do you have?" I look at her face, shes still really pretty. Even after being stuck in here for that long. Her tight training clothes show shes in shape, good muscular definition for a girl. She is probably stronger then most guys. Well mutation.. guys, she will wreck any human.

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