Chapter 21

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It was Michael who finally reached Stu just before he was about to disappear from them "gotcha!!" He exclaimed "I thought we were going to lose you matey" he finally said.  It’s now up to you and Jane to recover at your own pace.  "WE MUST LEAVE NOW MICHAEL FOR WE HAVE ALREADY OVERSTAYED OUR WELCOME HERE."

They all broke their connections and were suddenly aware that there was quite a crowd around them so many doctors but one older than the rest who was standing in front of everyone else and it was he who spoke first.  "In all my career I have only seen a spectacle such as this once before and that was 30 years ago I thought then it was strange and my opinion still hasn’t changed but whatever has happened here has had an amazing result, come with me he said you will all be tired and my colleagues here will confirm what I already know."

They all went into his office. "I’m Dr Hall, I don’t need to ask you what you did for it would be difficult for you to explain but it wasn’t only you four that were doing this you had assistance from, well let’s just say elsewhere?"  It was Stu’s Mom who answered" you’ve seen this before?," "ye"s he replied "it’s an interesting case, but I’ve also seen many failures."  He continued "in those cases although shall we say the outside assistance was there the bond between those present wasn’t strong enough and they were lost."  There was a knock at the door and one of the other doctors came in and asked “ have you a moment sir”, "whatever you have to say you may safely say in front of these good people." The other doctor continued "we’ve checked them over physically and had the opportunity to run brain scans on both of them," he stopped, "well?" Dr Hall said, continue, "the brain trauma that they both had sir has gone I’ve never seen anything like this" he said "it’s as if they never had any brain injury at all", "and the child?" asked Dr Hall "no signs of distress?"," no sir none", "very good" said Dr Hall "I’ll be with you shortly."

"It is as I expected, the damage repaired, they should, if memory serves me recover fully and quickly."  "How do you know that?" asked Stu’s Mom.  "Like I said I’ve seen this before, the one that succeeded had a strong family bond, you four and your friends in that room have a bond so strong I’ve never seen before."  "I hope you are right" said Stu’s Mom "can we go back and be with them?" "Of course" Dr Hall replied.  They all went back in to see Stuart and Jane they were no longer attached to the life support machines they were breathing on their own.  "Peaceful aren’t they" said Dr Hall smiling.

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