Chapter 14

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Michael was already waiting for Stu at his house and they immediately went up to Stu’ room. Stu threw himself onto his bed, "you look as if you’ve something on your mind" said Michael. " It’s difficult" said Stu now sitting up, "but how are you and Hayley getting on" changing the subject, "pretty good it’s like we’ve know each other for ages, almost like brother and sister" laughed Michael.  Stu looked at Michael and groaned slightly, "come on Stu out with it you can’t keep this in as difficult as you say it may be, let’s have it, out with it." 

Stu then embarked on telling what happened after they parted company and how he met Jane and then what happened between them.  Michael listened intently not saying anything until Stu had finished.  There was a slight pause before Michael looked at Stu and finally responded “what a bloody fool you are” didn’t you know she had a crush on you even before the little episode I had, couldn’t you see it? , no?, good god man are you that blind" Michael laughed. "It’s not that funny dating my best friends sister it’s uncomfortable" Stu said "and no I hadn’t realized."   Michael continued laughing, "you idiot, what have you said to her, did you say yes?" his laughter now starting to subside. "Well I sort of said yes, but I also said that I would have to talk to you about it." "My little sister dating my best friend" he said smiling, "well what is this world coming to, are you asking for permission?" and he started laughing again, but he could see that Stu was getting annoyed.  "Stu, my sister has her own life ahead of her and she is the one who has to make her own choices and whether I approve or disapprove it’s not going to make any difference, so as far as I’m concerned yeah why not,, for me personally I much prefer someone I know to date her than someone I don’t know, but if you hurt her you’ll have me to deal with."  There was a look of relief on Stu’s face and finally he replied "I just didn’t know what your reaction would be? and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship."  "Don’t be stupid I don’t think anything could, well unless you try to take Hayley away from me then there may be trouble" he smiled.

"There’s something else you should know Michael I think your parents know that you are not spending all this time with me I think they know about Hayley."  "Oh well looks like the cats out of the bag so to speak, it had to happen sometime I suppose but thanks for telling me at least I’ll be a little more prepared for parents question time."  It was another 30 minutes before Michael’s Mom came to pick him up and it didn’t take Micheal's Mom very long before she started to question him on the way back saying "I know you haven’t been with Stuart all the time today Michael so who have you been with?" so Michael then started to tell his Mom about Hayley and how it all started at the same time thinking thank goodness for Stu for giving a” heads up” it’s so much easier having a warning and to be partly prepared for the onslaught of questions which he was now facing, thanks Stu.

Once Michael had returned home and escaped any questions from his Dad knowing full well that his Mom would enlighten him.  Dads pretty cool he’ll catch me later when there’s just the two of them he thought.  He did however make straight for Jane’s room her door was open so he went in and on seeing him Jane turned down the music she was playing and said "how was your afternoon with Stu?"  "You know better than that Jane I think you spent more time with him than I did" he smirked, she blushed slightly and said "did he talk to you?"  "Yes he did", "did he mention me at all?"  "well it took a while to get it out of him Stu can be very shy at times"," does that mean you don’t mind" Jane replied.  Michael sat down next to her and said "it’s a bit strange having your best friend dating your sister but you’re 14 and you have to make your own decisions I can’t choose your boyfriends for you that’s up to you and at least in this case I know what Stu is like he’s a really great guy to have around you, but you have to promise to tell me if he ever hurts you, you’re still young and I don’t want that to happen."  "I know Michael and I love you for that and hopefully that will never happen, but I’m sorry that I let it slip about you and Hayley you’re not too mad at me are you?"  "No Jane I’m not they were bound to find out about it at some stage, but do they know about you and Stu?" "No" she said "it’s only been today when Stu agreed to date me," "well don’t leave it too long before you tell them" said Michael, "although you’re growing up you are still young and Mom and Dad are still in full protection mode for you."  "I know they are and I love them as I do you you’re always there for me should I need you and that will never change" she said giving him a cuddle.

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