Take Back The Night: A SkyDoesMinecraft FanFiction

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"Mommy!" I shrieked. The green four legged monster creeped closer to me and made a dragged sssss noise. My mother came bursting through the large wooden doors.

"Alpha! RTMMD!" She shouted. My mother taught me all these code words RTMMD means "run to me my dear". I obeyed and shot toward her. Guards ran in my room their armour clanging as the moved. One guard ushered us out of my room and shut the door. It followed with a explosion and men screaming. Blocks and rubbish flew everywhere. My mom shielded my eyes and picked me. She ran down the cobblestone stairs. I heard familiar scream and picked up my head.

"Daddy?" I said.

"Daddy isn't here baby." My mother said coolly.

"Yes he is! Look!" I claimed pointing to a figure. My mother kept running. We exited the castle and she tripped. I landed a few blocks away and I ran into the castle. Soon to regret that decision. I heard screaming, groaning, then a large cracking noise. I looked up, everything looked as if it was falling in slow motion. Memories past by. I knew what was about to happen. My young life was soon to come to a close.

"I'll miss you mommy and daddy. You too Mitchell." I sniffed. My big brother. He was always there for me. Good fighter too. He'll live through this. But I won't. The cobblestone blocks moved closer to me then it all sped up. Leaving me in total blackness.

Take Back The Night: A SkyDoesMinecraft FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now