Chapter 6: A Painful Decision

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*A.N. Okay, if anyone's confused, I was really stuck on this chapter so I gave up and moved on with the next one but I've finally found inspiration and have just taken down Chapters 7 and 8 to tweak them a little bit. Xxx.*

When Neville, Ginny and Luna felt their fake Galleons heat up, they were sitting outside by the Quidditch pitch chatting about nothing in particular. No sooner had they taken their coins out of their pockets than they saw Hermioe's shimmering silver otter swimming towards them quickly and urgently. It spoke very quietly.

                                                     'I need you three up at the Room of Requirement, it's very important snd I'll explain when you get here. I'll be just outside outside it with Harry's Invisibility Cloak, and for goodness' sake be quiet! The three looked at each other, puzzled.


Hermione took a deep breath - her friends weren't going to arrive in time so it was now or never. She gently eased open the door and sprang into position, wand in hand... But Evelyn was unconscious on the floor. Hermione ran cautiously over to Harry, who was starting to stir. The Headmistress was closest to Evelyn and it looked like the latter was still just about getting her power through to her, a thick stream of light that was tying them closer together all the time, even while unconscious. Hermione suddenly had a terrible insight. The only way the old witch would survive was either without her soul - or with her life tied to Evelyn's, meaning she'd end up working for the Dark side. Hermione knew the clever witch would hate that with a passion, never stand for it in a thousand years..... But with the amount of Dark power coursing through her system, that was the way things were heading. Hermione bit her lip to suppress the tears. she was absolutely heartbroken, but it was the only way. tears for the witch who had taught her so much, helped her so many times and been the first one she had ever met were streaming freely down her face now - it was time. With trembling hands she performed an intricate spell, murmuring 'Mourir Totalus' and cutting the stream of energy flowing from Evelyn's wand through McGonagall, wishing she could somehow do so without killing both. Even leaving Evelyn on the loose would have been fine. She wished it was somebody else..... Almost anybody else. Who was she to decide to end the powerful witch's long life?

                                                 The gold and black light faded slowly. 'Goodbye', Hermione whispered brokenly and then collapsed in a ball in a corner of the room that had seen so much until the darkness embraced her and she passed out.


It seemed as though whatever power that had strained to wake Harry up had suddenly experienced an energy surge. He slowly became aware of his body, as if returning from an out-of-body experience. He felt exhausted, trying to open his eyes but they felt like lead sacks and the most he managed was a quick, light flutter - but it was enough! Just enough for the light from the flickering candles to filter into his system, giving his body a natural reaction - Get up, his strong survival instinct urged.

His eyes snapped open.

He rolled over onto his hands and knees and crawled towards the door, but in his way were Evelyn Murray and Professor McGonagall, both unmistakably, irrevocably dead. Shock hit him like a bullet as he frantically crawled over to the Headmistress and shook her with all his might. 'This isn't happening, this isn't happening...' he muttered to himself. Shouting now. 'Episkey!' 'Enervate!' 'Please, Professor, please....' Tearing himself away, he leveled his wand at Evelyn. He did not care that she was dead, feeling insane with anger and grief. he just wanted to cause as much damage as possible. Evelyn, the murderer!  'Expelliarmus' he croaked, and Evelyn's wand freed itself from her cold white hand and joined his wand in his angrily shaking ones. 'STUPEFY!' He yelled, sending the blonde flying across the room and out the window. Glass tinkled down like rain. Harry wanted to cradle the old witch in his arms, to have been able to say goodbye - but he needed to see if there was anyone else there, dead or alive. That was essential then they could mourn. He crept around the room, not wanting to almost - disturb - McGonagall from her final sleep. He found Ron sound asleep but unharmed behind a large wooden chest - now he remembered clearly why he had come. But he was sure there was someone else with him, amd it was definitely the presence of a friend..... But who?

                                               Evwntually he found Hermione unconscious in a corner opposite the door. Her face was tear-stained as she lay curled up in a ball. harry's heart dropped. He had seldom seen Hermione looking so weak and delicate. He quickly woke Ron, carefully steering him clear of McGonagall's corpse. He didn't need to see that yet. Indicating for Ron to follow as quietly as possible he gently lifted a vulnerable-looking Hermione and held her in his arms while they descended the stairs to the Hospital Wing. He was glad that Hermione and Ron had broken up but managed to stay friendly - it was so much easier being like brothers and sister. Harry smoothed down the silky cream duvet and set her down on her side while Ron went to get Madame Pomfrey. The Mediwitch hurried in shortly after. Harry tried to stay steady and not wobble or fall but the struggle for his suol had been too much and the seasoned witch immediately noticed and ordered him onto the next, oh-so-familiar bed with a Tiredness Potion, hoping it would help. Before he fell asleep, Harry managed to croak out 'You need to go to....Room of Requirement....ask Ron...'.

Madame Pomfrey nodded before turning to Hermione who she quickly diagnosed with worry and mental and emotional strain. She was given a Dreamless Sleep potion. Madame Pomfrey shook her head. 'She's worrying about something. Something big.' Before heading up to the seventh floor.

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