Chapter 4- Part 1

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I woke up to a terrible crash. Springing out of bed, I dashed out of my room, fur standing on end. The sight that met my amber eyes was absolutely astonishing. My younger brother who had only just gotten out of bed yesterday was on the floor, and a sling full of food was beside him.

"What in the world happened here!" I yelled. He looked up at me with wide almond-colored eyes.

"N-nothing. Not anything. No, no. I was not doing anything wrong!" he shouted indignantly .

"You sure about your answer?" I asked.

"N-no," he pouted. "I-I guess I can tell you. Mai came by while I was trying to reach my breakfast and then she scared me, and I fell down. She said something about humans, and I told her you were asleep. Oh, but she also said she was looking for you!"

I smiled at my brother, I could never stay mad at him for long, even if he had woken me up. I sighed and hung the sling back up, and grabbed us both breakfast. Afterwards I went outside, making sure he would tell mom that I was with Mai when she woke up. Sure enough, Mai was waiting right outside.

"We should be more careful, Sora. I think your human friends might know where we are. I saw your human father just outside, probably looking for you. I was on dawn patrol and there was a lot of movement in the camp," Mai told me, her hands wringing her tail in her nervous state.

"I should probably lead him away from here. He probably just wants to talk, but I would feel better if you came along, just in case," I told her. She nodded in agreement, but her worried look only intensified.

We headed out, bouncing through the trees until we found the man. I pulled a few leaves off a nearby tree branch and let them fall. My father looked up and saw my smartly placed tail. His eyes narrowed and hopped to another branch, Mai in tow. This time he saw most of my face, but I pretended not to see him, and kept moving.

"Abigail?" He yelled.

"Good, he's following," I told Mai.


We continued on for some time, my father following, until I found a suitable branch low to the ground. My father stopped and stared, then his face cracked open into a bright smile. He had been looking for me after all. Another emotion flitted over his face when Mai dropped down next to me, but it was gone in an instant.

"Hello Abby!"

"Hi, Dad."

"I was looking for you. I didn't know if you would show up though. I just wanted to thank you for coming yesterday, and to tell you something very important. Your friend there will probably want to know as well. My team is claiming this land and turning it into a nature reserve! Its great! Everyone will be able to see how your kind lives and you will be able to see what humans are like. Its a good trade-off."

I looked at him for a minute. I understood that he wanted more humans to come here, but not why.

"Humans, should go, not come here. Bad."

"No Abigail, its great! The humans won't hurt you at all!"

I huffed. I did not like the sound of this at all. My ears went back just a bit and my tailtip twitched with annoyance. I didn't really care that this human was my original father. He was still a dirty human. I turned around.

"Last thing. Humans are bad," I said, and left, not caring if this man would hate me. Mai followed close after.


Hi there, I'm very sorry for not updating in a long, long time. I was very busy with school and sports, and I am also looking into trying my hand at manga. Anyway, I split this chapter into two parts so that I could finish the second half tomorrow, but you could start reading today.


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