Ice Cream and FanGirls.

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Yesterday the weather was horrible, but today the sun was beating down, and I was still lazing around inside with everyone inside.

"GUYS I'M BORED." I whine and toss my 3DS onto the ground.

Everyone turns to me with a look of disgust. I frown at them and they ignore me, going back to their games.

"Your always bored." Gavin announces.

"Not always."

Michael lets out a chuckle from across the room.

"OH MY GOSH GUYS!" I groan crossing my arms and kicking my feet up on Geoff's desk.

He looks at me and scowls.

"What else is there to do Zelda!" He snaps.

I place my arms across my chest and frown more.

"We'll I don't know, how about we go OUTSIDE. Do something fun. GO TO THE BEACH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. HOW ABOUT A DAMN ICE CREAM CONE!"

I glare at him and he returns it back.

I feel arms wrap around me and turn around to see Michael.

"Calm down there." He whispers kissing me on the cheek.

"I'm bored I can't help it" I mutter.

"I have an idea!" Ray shouts.

I quickly turn to him with pleading eyes, waiting for him to suggest something interesting.

"How about, Michael takes you out to get ice cream or something then when you come back and you're less cranky we can play some Minecraft?"

I give him a sarcastic look and he shrugs.

"It was just a suggestion."

"That sounds perfect. Doesn't it?"

Michaels voice dances into my ear and I scowl but nod agreeing with him.

He offers a hand to help me up and I grab ahold of it.

He lightly tugs on it, helping me stand. But he doesn't let go.

"See you in a but I guess." I chirp.

"See yah" Everyone chimes.

I grab my beanie off my chair and pull it over my head before Michael shoos me out of the room.

Kara looks up from the front desk and smiles at us.

"Are they driving you crazy in there?" She ask laughing.

"No, I'm just bored of playing video games." I mutter.

I can feel Michaels eyes piercing the back of my head and I giggle.

I turn around and see just what I was suspecting.

An angry Michael Jones.

"I'm joking babe." I say giving him a playful punch.

He gives a sarcastic smile and I turn back to Kara.

"You two are perfect for each other, you know that don't you?" She sighs, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

My face turns beet red. I shake my hair and to try and cover it.

"Umm, well we're gonna go now, see you in a bit Kara." I murmur before slipping out the front doors with Michael following behind me.

I grab his hand and use my free one to shield the suns bright rays from my eyes.

"Holy Fuck it's hot." He complains, ripping his beanie off his head and shoving into his pocket.

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