The Heartbreak

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  The second time we met, I was filled with bliss that would soon became confusion and sorrow. I did not know how much time had passed since I last saw her, but there was something different about her. She wasn't her customary self; nevertheless, I was still ecstatic to see her. That feeling didn't last long. I soon realized she didn't even remember me. All those deep feelings I felt for her and she didn't even have the decency to remember me. I was devastated and frustrated; however, I still loved her. I did what any man who loves a woman would do: I started over again in hopes she would fall for me. I didn't tell her I knew her because I thought that might frighten her. I reiterated my introduction to her and told her my life story. This time she stayed longer. This time she actually spoke to me. She would spend hours a day admiring me without even noticing I was admiring her. She would whisper things like, "If only you were real and loved me." A minute, pesky tear rolled down my cheek as I whispered back at her. I was real and I loved her beyond comprehension. It broke my heart, she didn't realize I was the one for her. As much as I wanted to give up on her, I stayed. I spent countless hours with her. I felt her begin to love me again. I was wary because she had left me before, but something inside convinced me she would stay. She stayed with me for a little while longer, but she gradually convinced herself I wasn't the love of her life. She continued talking to me and I replied, but she never seemed to notice. She filled her head with fantasies of the impeccable man predicted off of me, but never gave me a chance to prove I could be the perfect man for her. She left me soon after and my heart was broken. The oak tree turned bare, and this time it rained as though the atmosphere was connected to my tears. 

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