thirty eight

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Sunday, June 26, 2016

mef95: Guys, I'm gonna be so old.

cyndango: We know

rymag: it's all you ever talk about

"Why are you guys on the group chat?" Matt asked, looking up at the other boys.
"I'm just reminiscing while I can, I'll have surpassed you all in life. I'm so much wiser than you-"
"Shut up, Mark," Daniel rolled his eyes, causing Ryan to quite literally giggle.
"You guys are so gay, why don't you just date?" may tasked abruptly, both boys immediately shutting their mouths. They shared a solemn look before Daniel changed the subject.
"So, Mark, is Jack coming to visit for your birthday?"
He ran a hand through his freshly dyed blue hair, "Uh, I don't know, I didn't even think to ask him. It's expensive, and I know he doesn't like planes."
"You should ask him, we'd all love to meet him, and you two are finally getting along again."
"It just feels a little off, yknow?"
"You love me. Now explain."
"Well, I dunno. Maybe meeting him would make it better. It just feels weird."
"Alright, he definitely needs to come down. I'm having him book his flight immediately."
"Daniel, cut it out."
The blonde was fading from his ginger hair, and looked a bit like a pastel fire, so seeing him was almost hilarious as he pouted at Mark. Mark only rolled his eyes, and Daniel went to message Jack anyways.

cyndango: You should visit for mark's birthday

septicsean: i am
septicsean: but don't tell him it's a secret

cyndango: GREAT are you guys gonna bang

septicsean: :0

cyndango: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

septicsean: um
septicsean: i kinda doubt it
septicsean: but bob wants me to pop out of a cake

cyndango: Seriously?

septicsean: i hope he's not being serious

cyndango: No I want you to pop out of a cake now

septicsean: i can't win with you guys

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