Chapter Twenty-Eight (Part One)

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~Cierra's POV

"Let's go talk about this somewhere else."

"NO, I WANT TO HEAR IT NOW." I was growing impatient, and I am ready to punch him in his face. We were doing so great, why did he feel like he had to keep anything a secret?


"I'm done." I spoke in a calm tone. I swung my bag over my shoulder and stomped to the dorr when he yelled something that stopped my dead in my tracks.


The words hit me like a bullet.


"You what?"

Maybe I heard him wrong. Maybe he said, "I'm moving to Libya", or "I like Disturbia" the song? 

Chlamydia. It keeps playing like a broken record.

"Let's go outside and talk about this." He says in a low tone, and I nod my head slowly before leading the way outside.

Chlamydia? My head is spinning, and I feel like I might vomit.

As soon as the door opens, the fresh air hits me, and as much as I should enjoy it, it makes my head feel worse.

"How'd you get it?" I say, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"My ex-girlfriend came back into town last week-"

That's all wanted to hear. I couldn't believe it. The ONE time I'm actually faithful and willing to commit to a relationship , and he gets an STD from his ex-girlfriend?

"So you cheated on me?" He goes silent, and I take it as a yes.

I start to walk away, and he surprisingly doesn't chase after me, instead he just walks back inside.

No 'forgive me', no 'We can make it work'. not even a 'sorry'.

What an asshole.

I get in my car, and slam my hands on the wheel, frustrated.

"What the fuck?" I groan loudly burying my head in my hands.

~Kaylan's POV

"You guys, she is pushing it. If I have to take drastic measures, that shit WILL.HAPPEN." I rant into my phone to Dana and Emerald as I finish my homework.

Zonnique has one time.

One more time to piss me off, and that whole ' I'm not gonna fight her because of the Talent Search' excuse goes flying out the window.

"Kaylan, just don't let her get to your head, okay? Remember the competition? " Emerald says in a calm voice.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"That's what you need to focus on, forget about her, alright?"

In the background I hear a lot of rustling sounds, and a baby crying.

"EM! IT WON'T STOP CRYING!" I hear Ray Ray yell.

"Feed it!" She yells back.


"Oh my God, I'm gonna go help Ray. Here, talk to Dana." She hands the phone to Dana, and starts yelling in the background.

"Ok, scratch that petty shit Emerald said." Dana says in a whisper "You walk up to Nique and tell her what's up. If you hate her, let her know!"

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