Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 ~ Melody


Did I do that?

Of course you did stupid, you sang. You know how you're basically a siren when you sing.


I just put Niall Horan in a trance.

And the only way to get him out of it is to stay a mermaid and lead him closer to me.


I don't know what to sing without leading him towords the water, killing himself. I thought.

If I change back into a human while he is still in a trance he will jump and never come up.

So I quickly remembered the only song that was almost never used. It was simple yet effective.

(A/N: the video to the side)

As I sang I could see Niall moving closer towards me.

I continued.

Finally he was In front of me so I stopped.

He came back to his senses moments after.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes. I think I just-" he stopped talking and his eyes widened in pure shock, horror and disbelief.

"Niall?" I asked.

"You're, you're a mermaid!" He screamed.

Shoot my tail!

"Ummm. About that..." I whispered.

Then something that I was not expecting happened. He fainted! Wait but I was expecting that. Just sooner.


*Niall's POV*

*a short while after*

"Niall?" A soft feminine voice spoke.

I moaned in response.

"Oh thank Neptune," she muttered. What?

What the tail!!

She has a tail.

I slowly opened my eye and looked at her. She had legs. But she was beautiful.

She had long brown hair that was wavy. It looked as of it reached her lower back. Her hair colour glowed. Like sparkles were in her hair.

And her eyes. They were a beautiful shade of blue. Well one was. The other was a deep brown that shined. They both did.

Stop Niall! I thought. You can't fancy a mermaid. Epically one who you haven't even spoke to!

I stumbled backwards.

"Niall?" She whispered running her fingers though the bottom of her hair.

Her beautiful hair, quit it Niall!

"St-stay awa-away!" I stuttered.

She looked shocked but mostly I could see hurt. I didn't want to hurt her.

"Can I explain?" She quietly asked.

"Show me it's true first!" I demanded pointing to water.

She nodded and stuck her hand in the water almost immediately having a tail grow.

It was true, "now explain!"

So she began explaining. And it was one heck of a short story.


Written by: LittleCupcakes67

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