The tiger comes to sight!

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Ann  sat silently on the floor, shocked, staring at the body of the person who took her out of the depression world. Suddenly coming back to her senses, she ran to the door, wrenched it open and looked around for help. "The marine darine is unconsious! HEY! IS ANYBODY THERE!" Out of the blue, emerged the figure of the teenage girl who was sitting beside her in the car. "What had you say girl??" "Big sister, please, he is on the verge of death!" BANG! A loud explosive sound had come from a nearby place.

"It sounds like they are here. I guess we are in a big problem now!" She made a high pitched whistle, "EVERYBODY THEY ARRIVED!" A crowd of twenty men came crushing into the room,looking frightened. "Avery, you go look after our boss, this young lady here will show you his place! Michael you go fetch the weapons!

Antony bring everyone round to their places! Hurry up, we are getting started." "Flour, where will we head exactly?" The murderous looking man asked."We are heading to Jaquar and Fleintz, Mark! Young lady go show Avery the boss's place, dont stand there idol." Ann looked up at the man named Avery, he nodded.

She ran clutching his hand to the room where Marinedarine was. "Slow down girl, he isnt weak, the boss isnt. I think he has nursed his injury by now!" Real enough, the Marine darine was sitting on the bed wrapping white cloth around his injured part. "Oh youre here already eh? I think youve made your moves upon hearing the explosion." "Yes sir!" He got up and mentioned to them to follow.

Ann was staring startled at this quick change of atmosphere. The boss smiled at her as though having read her mind."That is our life Ann, we just have to travel from place to place every now and then, you are okay with that i guess, better than being poisoned?" he said twinkling his eyes. Ann smiled weakly, "yes er, uncle may i call you uncle??" "Yes of course Ann."

He truned his face towards her smiling " youll have to hold on tight". Ann clutched his hands and ran along with him. "THIS WAY MEN" he shouted. The group of men ran along with him, until they came to a halt. It was something that looked like a big balloon. " We will flee the place" he said calmly. "But boss! This place has worked out as an excellent hideout for years! We cant just leave it." The man looked behind sadly at the big building that looked like a huge bulldozer.

Suddenly, police men started flooding the place. "WE'VE GOT THEM INSPECTOR!" cried one of the men. The marinedarine gestured his fellow men to follow him. Together they swept into the big balloon. The men evenly spread through the place. Each of them seemed to know his work. Ann looked at them guiltly, she felt like she wanted to help. "Er, uncle?" She said, but he was looking out of the window. His expresssion was weird.

As he pressed a button, a loud explosion was heard and the bulldozer bulding was completly damaged. He smiled. Aware of Ann watching him, he quickly hid the button behind his back. "Remains of the war" he murmured. 

Ann was shocked. The next few days were extremely normal ones. The balloon was travelling to England, where their next mission would be established. "Uncle, how many more days we have to reach England" she asked looking bored. "We arrived Ann, look" he said, pointing through the huge window. Lights were emerging from all over the place. It looked so nice. Ann had never seen a more beautiful scenery in her life.

"We will take the train to the west capital. I think going to Jaquar and Fleintz would be a suicidal act now that they know our last base. I have left a complete plan of what our next base would be. A pity!"

He then turned to face Ann and looked dep into her blazing green eyes. "All what you have to do to be a good detective or observer is to listen, see, and think on your own." He said. "Listen, see and think on my own?" Ann repeated, then beamed. "Ill do that uncle" she said happily. "We will start your training once we get down, Avery will train you sword skills.

Michael will teach you german. Julia will teach you how to cook, whereas Mundy" he said pointing at the murderous man who was now in deep talk with Avery. "Will teach you the fighting skills" He ended his statment with a smart beam. 

Ann could not believe herself, she was going through th best moments in her life. It sounded so weird. She wont be poisoned again! At the thought she heard the balloon make a rumbling noise and knew it was time to land. She hurried to her seat by the window and fastened the sight belt tightly around her waist. The Marinedarine was walking to her side "By the way, this anastazia is yours." He said handing her a beautiful ruby jewel. Ann shocked her head, "Would you keep it for me please?"  she said.

He swiftly put it back into his pocket, "I would have the pleasure of it"  he said under his breath smiling. The balloon landed, Ann felt her ears would burst. The Marinedarine handed her a gum. Aware of putting her hands on her ears, she smiled. 

As the balloon landed harshly on the ground, she unfastened her belt . She ran to the door, wrenched the door open then with such delightness she had never felt in her life, she breathed in the air of England. She closed her eyes for a moment, then pinched her cheeks. It hurts, so it wasn't a dream after all?

She was going to learn many things and have people that would act like her parents. People who would care for her. "Come one, we have to catch the train." The Marinedarine said to his men. Julia hurried forward and clutched Ann's hand, smiling.

Anne looked at her, her hands felt warm, just like her mother. Beaming they went on their way to the trian station. Walking alone the pavement, Anne saw a sight that made her stomach clench horribly, the TIger amn was hiding behind a bar. He was looking at the Marinedarine with a murderous look in his eyes. She thought she saw a red gleam swim through them. A shiver ran through her body. "Anything wrong? " Julia asked.

"I just saw the Tiger man over there" she said horrified. As Julia turned her head to the direction Ann's finger was pointing, he was gone. "You MUST have imagined it." Julia said soothingly. Ann looked forward at the Marinedarine, she could have sworn he glanced at her seconds ago. How could the Tiger man be here? 

Third part will be here soon :D hope you enjoy reading and give me a feedback ;)

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