The marinedarine and the world of darkness

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She just sat there silently staring at the plate with a blank expression on her face."Thanks for the food", she said,getting up and moving towards the door. As she touched the doors handle a loud bang noise flooded through the room."THAT IS IT! YOU COME HERE GIRL", said a bespectacled man, dragging her through the room to her seat in the table."YES SIT THIS WAY AND HOLD THE SPOON! HOLD IT I SAY!!!",forcing the spoon into her hand and raising it to her mouth. Aan throw the spoon with all her force and crashed the dish to the floor.

"I HATE U AND I HATE HER",pointing to the silent lady sitting across the table."I HATE THIS WHOLE FAMILY!'' She ran to her room and shut the door behind her.Once she ahd entered the room, she sank to the floor and closed her eyes. Opening her eyes, she stood up, went to her desk ,sat down and opened the nearest book to her.''The Return of Sherlock Holmes" it read.

She started going through the book till she came to a halt her eyes fixed on one of the pages. So it is true after all! She put her head on the desk and looked sadly down at the floor. When exactly is she going to leave this place? Will she be trapped here forever? A shiver ran down her body and a knock was heard on the door.

"May i come in, miss?" She closed the book and said in a low voice," the door is opened marshell" the man came in with a drink in his hand. "Your mom has made this drink for you". She stayed silent."Put it on the table and leave." The old man looked to her, "your mom is working very hard for you, young lady!" Aan stared fixedly at the book, " if youve already put the drink there please leave immediatly" "yes of course, young lady"

. He made a bow and left the room. Aan turned to look at the door then sighed. The door opened again and the same old man stepped in. "Sorry for the interupption, miss, but your everyday news paper has just arrived."He handed her a newspaper. The first page had all the news about the very skilled theif who robs things without harming people or killing anybody. "I wish i had been with him,he is living free and independent. I guess his life is much more fun than mines anyways." The old man frowned." He steals things and he would reamin nothing more than a filthy theif, miss."

"I....I want to go with him, I...WANT to got ot the OUTSIDE WORLD!"She was breathing heavily on her chair. Then all of a sudden she collapsed and fell to the floor. "MISS... MISS!!! SOMEBODY COME HERE! THE YOUNG LADY IS SICK!" The man and women came rushing into the room and called immediatly for the doctor. The doctor has seen her and went to tal to the man and women outside . "I really do not understand the reason for all these collapses,ive searched for everything but i dont know!" the doctor said slowly.

He bowed and went ou to his car again. The women brought a dish of soup to Aan's bed. "take dear! Just made it for you, drink it before it gets cold!!" Aan looked slowly at the dish and held the spoon. She tooka spoonful of soup and raised it to her mouth. Suddenly with a sigh, she lowered the spoon and look straight into the womens eyes. "Ive benn wondering this whole time why the soup's taste was so weird.I used to cook with my mom,Aunt." she looked up at the cieling, "When i started reading detective stories i understood." Her eyes fired at her aunt.

"youve been poisining me this whole time." Her and and uncle looked at her and smiled. "Just eat and grow sweety" she said in a low voice and with a huge smile. "NO!" Aan  crashed the dish to the wall. "this food is fit for PIGS to eat. If you want to have a meal why dont you try your favourite ingredient." The old man standing beside the door has turned into a 30 years old man with sharp, glinting eyes. He had just raised a small bottle which read "POISON DRUGS,for rats use".

Aans uncle has just stood up looking horrified,"its him!! he is the most skilled theif, the marindarine!" Aan's aunt clapped her hands to her moth and started screaming. "girl! do you want to come with me and see the real world?" said the marinedarine, stretching out his hands with a sharp look on his face. A broad smile flooded into her face. She got up, ran forwards and clutched his hand tightly. "yes sir!" He beamed positively," you are smiling a again at last". Aan blushed. 

They were now riding in the car,"sir where exactly are we going?" she asked. "we are going to the base now but before that you are going with me on a little mession." he said. Suddenly, he stopped the car, a girl and a 40 years old man stepped into the car."whos she eh?" asked the girl."umm my name is Aan barley.Ill be living with him from now on...."   "How come you let a small join the gang boss? " "i dont think its the right time for questions mandebel.

"LOOK OUT BOSs!" The cars front glass just crashed down, and a knife shot past the seats. The marine darine clutched a hand that came crashing with the knife. "A very pleasant entry indeed. What is it do you want eh? I dont exactly remember inivting your hand inside my car." he said clamly and continued on driving. "I am tiger, join me marinedarine, with your brain skills we will be the best gang in the world.

You dont have a choice anyways, if you dont ill sink another knife in you heart." "I am trembling now,however, i am not difinetly going to join you, I dare say i have my own gang, you see. You are not welcome." he said and with a sharp break he drived the other way. The tiger man fell from the top of the car down the street rolling alarmingly."Oh no, boss they are following us the police!" Said the man on her side. 

"Oh well, he got some nerve that tiger. We are heading for the base then, in a more quick way i suppose." he clicked a sideways button. The effect was miraculous, the car was spinning furiously on the spot. The world around them dissapeared in teh darkness and they were transferred to a thick grassed island. "OY everybody the boss is back!" cried a voice frm far behind them, as about ten men came storming into the place where they were. As they caught sight of aan whispers ra eveywhere. "Whos she boss?"

"She is going to be part of our gang from now on." "what! No! We wont make that happen shes just a small girl!" Aan spoke," i CAN WORK, just give me any work to do please i want to stay."A murderous looking man came forwards and gazed into her eyes."Well then lift this box to the storage room." Aan looked around her in all directions, then hurried to a shelf where bottles where put. she snatched them and put them on the floor. Then with great effort heaved the box on top of the bottles. As she stepped forward she fell to the floor breathing hard.

"AAN!" shouted the murderous man. "She was being poisoned by her aunt and uncle" said marinedarine calmly. He stepped forwards and heaved her from the floor to a bed to a bed in a nearby room.It felt like hours and hours. Aan opened her eyes weakly and stared around the room. Marinedarine was sitting beside her bed smiling."Youre up then? i gave you a strenthening injection. She got up and stared at Marinedarine.

"Sir, you are bleeding!" she said alarmingly. Suddenly, marinedarine fell to his kness clutching his ribs. Aan ran towards him shocked. "sir! sir! are you alright!" he opened half an eye then smiled.Blod was gushing down in floods. The atmosphere of teh place changed. Aan had a blank look on her face. He is not going to die is he, she thought. "SIR!" He was breathing heavily, "i confess i was a bit careless", he said, and fell to the floor.

Blood was flowing everywhere in the room, it seemed his injury was quite serious.Aan continued staring fixedly at the blood, her arms clanging lazily at her mouth. "its...its all because of me. I ...i do problems to people wherever i go! " Tears started running down her face. She clutched her face hard then screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" 

yo guyz. PLZ leave some feedback as comment :'( it really gets my hopes up!

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