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Programs on Filariasis, Malaria and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

§   Filariasis- a chronic prasitic infection caused by a nematode, Wuchereria bancrofti. Young and adult worms live in the lymphatic vessels and nodes, while the micro filariae are in the blood;  transmitted  through bites from an infected female mosquito, Aedes poecilius, that bites at night.

▪       Treatment: Diethylcarbamazine citrate or Hetrazan

▪       Elephantiasis and Hydrocoele are handled through surgery, prevention and supportive care

  Malaria – infection caused by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito,

§   Chemoprophylaxis – Chloroquine taken at weekly intervals, starting from 1-2 weeks before entering the endemic area.

§   Anti-malarial drugs – sulfadoxine, quiinine sulfate, tetracycline, quinidine

§   Insecticide treatment of mosquito nets, house spraying, stream seeding and clearing, sustainable preventive and vector control meas

Dengue H-fever

4  o’clock habit

¡  Programs on Measles. Chickenpox, Mumps, Diphtheria, Pertusis, Tetanus –focused on health information campaigns and intensive immunization of children in barangays.

Prevention and Control Program on Parasitic Infestations ( STH e.g.     Ascaris, Trichuris, Hookworm) and Paragonimiasis in communities where eating of fresh or inadequately cooked crab is a practice


1. Deworming

2. Health Education re:

▪       Good personal hygiene

▪       Use of footwear

▪       Washing fruits and vegetables well

▪       Use of sanitary toilets

▪       Sanitary disposal of garbage

▪       Boiling drinking water at least 2-3 min.   from boiling point   or chlorination

COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon