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Leprosy Control Program

§   WHO Classification – basis of multi-drug therapy

▪       Paucibacillary/PB – non-infectious types. 6-9 months of treatment.

▪       Multibacillary/MB – infectious types. 24-30 months of treatment.

§   Multi-drug therapy – use of 2 or more drugs renders patients non-infectious a week after starting treatment

▪       Patients w/ single skin lesion and a negative slit skin smear are treated w/ a single dose of ROM regimen

▪       For PB leprosy cases- Rifampicin+Dapsone on Day 1 then Dapsone from Day 2-28. 6 blister packs taken monthly within a max. period of 9 mos.

§   All patients who have complied w/ MDT are considered cured and no longer regarded as a case of leprosy, even if some sequelae of leprosy remain.

§   Responsibilities of the nurse

▪       Prevention – health education, healthful living through proper nutrition, adequate rest, sleep and good personal hygiene;

▪       Casefinding

▪       Management and treatment – prevention of secondary injuries, handling of utensils; special shoes w/ padded soles; importance of sustained therapy, correct dosage, effects of drugs and the need for medical check-up from time to time; mental & emotional support

▪       Rehabilitation-makes patients capable, active and self-respecting member of society.

COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon