Chapter 8

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3 Months later

The Belikov house was a deadly quiet, apart from Victoria and I. We were going to the mall for Dimitri's birthday, which is next week. Dimitri is with Ivan picking up a relative of Ivan's at the airport. Mama Olena (Olena after the first week insisted, that I called her this) had gone to her friends for a chat and a catch up. As she is worried about leaving me as I am still having panic attacks, when I try to go anywhere on my own.

The former family of mine really did try their best to break me using my grief for my mother to their advantage. However, I am trying to work on this with talking to a councillor and taking mediation to ease my anxiety.

"I am downstairs Roza just need to bring the trash out for mama I will wait for you by the car" Victoria shouted.

"Ok Vika I am just putting my make up on "

Looking down at the little make up I own smiled sadly thinking about how much make up I used to go through with Lissa. Missing her bought always brings tears to my eyes, hastily putting on some lip-gloss.

Upon hearing footsteps by my bedroom door, I grabbed my bag and turned around to see Tasha Ozera pointing a gun to Victoria's head.

Victoria point of view

Excited was beyond what I felt in this moment as Roza, and I are going shopping. Whilst Dimka is, off to the airport with Ivan to pick up. Lissa, Roses best friend as a surprise, after a couple of months Dimka and Ivan managed to track her down. Turns out, she is still at the performing arts school and dating Christian Tasha's Cousin.

Rose, thinks we are going to pick something out for Dimitri's birthday, Dimka said that this is more important and will make his Roza smile.

Since Rose came to live with us nearly six months ago she fitted right into the family.

As, for Tasha We were all shocked, to hear that Tasha had a cousin because nobody had seen him as he lived with Tasha.

That is all I know about that as Dimka has Skype with Lissa and Christian and from what I have heard Christian is nothing like Tasha. Christian devastated by his cousin's behaviour as apparently his parents died due to violence. All I can say is that I am glad Tasha is under house arrest and Carly is in a detention centre.

After calling to Roza to tell her that I had to take the trash out for Mama and when she told me to wait by the car.

Being that my gut instinct was to go back inside with Roza to make sure she was ok. As she suffers with bad anxiety when she leaves the house, that gut instinct was right.

As somehow, Tasha had managed to escape from house arrest and is standing by Roses car pointing a gun at me.

"Hello Vika while it's good to see you although I would have preferred to see Dimka."

"Hello Tasha and by the way its Victoria to you and it's certainly not nice to see after what you done to Roza"

"She ruined everything and now I'm going to get my revenge," Tasha shouted just as ran towards me knocking me to the ground."

Just as I tried to move, Tasha grabbed my hair pulling on it hard, knowing that trying to fight back is useless, I resided myself to comply with what she wanted . As I am only 15, not exactly a match for Tasha as she is older and stronger than I am. She does not scare me but I'm scared of the gun that she is waving around in my direction.

Tasha realising that I was not going to do anything, happily pulled me up so I was standing, and dragged me inside the house.

Pressing the gun to my lower back as we entered the house, Tasha whispers in my ear to be quiet. Minutes passed as we entered Rose's room, as she turned around her smile vanished.

"Well, look who has landed on her feet "Tasha sneered at a silent Rose.

Tasha, let go of me and stalked towards Rose like a hunter stalking its prey. That is when Rose spoke for the first time.

"What do you want Tasha"

Rose, looked broken, scared it is as if she was re living the memories of what happened to her every time she looked at Tasha.

"What I want Rose is for you to disappear I wish you never came to this stupid town. Never mind the fact that I lost my best friend, boyfriend, and my parents." Tasha screamed as her right hand pointed the gun in Roses direction.

Just as I went to grab a hold of Tasha's hair Rose looked directly into my eyes and mouthed run. That is when she tackled Tasha knocking her to the ground. Tasha screamed loudly as Rose managed to maintain a hold on Tasha's hair to give me to get away.

"Get off me you psychotic bitch ,glad to see you can stick up yourself " Tasha shouted at Rose who now looked angry and no longer scared. Dimka has obviously be teaching Rose some moves in our gym.

For a minute, I stood there gazing at the two of them, when Rose screamed at me.

"Run Victoria gets out of here and gets help."

Not needing to be told twice, I ran down the stairs and out of the house, just as mama's car pulled into the drive.

Running, over to Mama and hugging her tightly, I started talking so fast I was rambling.

Mama just held me as she asked me questions

"Where is Rose?"

"Why you are not at the mall, is either of you ill"

"You will run late for the party as Dimka and Ivan are at the venue with Roza friends"

That is when we both heard a gunshot fired out of Roses bedroom.


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