Chapter 1

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Rose point of view

"Rosemarie wake up this instant" my stepmother Ellen screamed in my ear.

Sitting up quickly, my heart was beating too fast. Looking toward the clock situated on my bed side table it read 3.30 in morning.

Ellen slapped my already bruised face from where some girls at school. Decided, to trip me up and kick me yesterday.

This bought me out of my thoughts, having no choice but to look at my bitch of a stepmother.

"That's better now Rosemarie what was all the screaming, your screaming was frightening your sister. So tell me now ,you're lucky I am feeling patient with you. From,being woken up by your noise." Ellen said glaring at me.

My hand cradled my face, tears run down my face, trying to find the courage to talk. Ellen always hated my mom she was jealous of her, I found myself shaking in fear, taking in a deep breath I slowly lifted my head ,I spoke very quietly just enough for her to hear.

"I am sorry, I was dreaming about the crash. You,know the one that killed my mom".

Ellen snickered at me, she clearly thought what I just said is funny.

"Oh please Rosemarie, the crash was over a year ago. You ,cannot keep using that as an excuse. Besides you have a family here even if you are not wanted. Your, father also agrees with me and you know it."

I was astonished that she said that, I knew that my stepmother was a bitch.

That was just low even for her.

Ellen walked out smiling, seeing me crying because of something she had said bought her great satisfaction.

I sank back into my bed; silent sobs racked my body as I just wished someone would see me and take me away from this place.

Next day (early morning)

Sleep never came to me after my confrontation with Ellen. As soon it was light I grabbed my school bag and my diary to which I write new songs in.

Making my way to my old car, I only have one destination in mind my place of safety. The meadow.

The drive to the meadow was fairly quick and quiet for a Tuesday morning. The meadow, its self was near my old house although it pained me to be here I soon forgot that once, arriving here.

Stopping my car just before the entrance to the meadow, I took only the pieces I needed my diary/songbook.

My school bag stayed in the car as I would go straight to school, no way was I going home first only to be bullied and made to feel worthless.

Quickly getting rid of those negative thoughts I opened the gate to meadow and quickly walked over to the lake, where my mom's ashes are scattered.

Sitting on the seat by the lake, at instant I feel a calming presence come over me. Some people might find it strange but I feel like my mom is with me here.

I start talking as if my mum is sat here with me.

"Hi mom, I miss and love you so much, Ellen slapped me earlier because I had the nightmare about the crash and I was screaming in my sleep. Which caused her to wake up, dad will no doubt give me grief for it once he comes back of his business trip today. Abe, Ellen and Carly are always telling me how useless I am and that all I am good for is taking out the trash. God mom why did you have to die, here is the only place I sing now. The crash, along with being bullied at home and this new school, is changing me I no longer feel that I am worth anybody's time. As it's nearly a year since the crash I have worked on a new song its faith Hill's there you'll be". I said as I finished speaking whilst wiping my eyes furiously, trying to dry my tears, as always are running thick and fast down my face.

Pulling out my songbook, it didn't take me long to find the lyrics to the song. Therefore as I was happy they was no one around , the lyrics flowed endlessly and with ease, singing is always easy to me as way to deal with my pain and grief I feel every day.

Halfway through the song, I stopped as I could hear footsteps behind me panicking I ended up tripping over but instead of landing flat on my ass.

This person caught me; never wanting to look up curiosity got the better of me. A gasp escaped from my lips as the person who was holding me was none other than Dimitri Belikov the heart-throb at my school.

Dimitri, helped me to my feet whilst looking into those beautiful eyes of his, I felt like someone was seeing me for who I am.

Embarrassment flooded my veins, my cheeks now burning. I did the one thing I am good at, I ran out of the meadow and to my Car.

Dimitri's point of view

As I was out running on my usual early morning run by my home.

My thoughts consumed with a girl at school, I know being a 17-year-old male that is what we do but this is different.

The girl in question is an outcast she is constantly bullied by nearly everyone in our year; it wasn't until yesterday that I actually saw the bullying myself.

Some girls decided to push this poor girl and send her flying. They crowded around this poor girl her calling her girl horrible names.

I managed to catch her gaze and I saw something that I would never think% see again.

A look of fear and pain it's the same look my mom used to have when my dad would beat her.

Taking a step toward the scene in front of me, my best friend Ivan pulled me back shaking his head. Without another word I stormed off, angry that Ivan had stopped me.

Having reached a field I pass whilst running, nobody usual is here at 6.30 in the morning but I decided that it was worth investigating.

Turns out my instinct were correct. The closer I got to this person who sat on the bench on the far side of the field .

From, there I could tell it was a teenage girl I was just going to ask her if she was ok. ,although her back was toward me, the girl started singing.

Nevertheless, I just stood back listing this girl has such a beautiful voice instead of continuing with my run. My feet felt at if they are stuck to the ground, compelled to listen.

Silently cursing as I stepped on a twig the girl jumped up from where she sat and fell but before she hit the ground.

It is the girl from school, as she looked up at me I could tell she is scared. Setting her down on her feet gently . I could tell she had been hurt, after staring into her eyes I felt like I could actually see her.

Only a few seconds later, the girl ran away from me with what looked like her diary.

I decided from that moment that I would do everything to help this girl starting today.

Looking down at my watch I cursed again as it was an hour before school.

Running out and back home a smile crept on to my lips. As,I feel like I have a purpose and I am going to make sure people will see and accept me.

Not,to see me as some rich boy who can have whoever and whatever he so desires.

An: thank you to everyone who has reviewed,followed and liked the story. It means a lot to me. Apologies, for any mistakes I am still getting used to writing chapters on my I pad. I hope you like this chapter.

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