chapter 12

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"And we all lived happily ever after," Cherry wrapped up the story. 'The End."

"Aww!" Felicity pouted.

"Okay, story's over, go away." Cherry said before taking out a cigarette to take a smoke break.

"Oh, fine." The kids pouted.

They then took their leave as they felt bored around home and hoped a new adventure would come along the way. Atticus was given a call and he put his phone on speaker as the call was for himself and Cherry.

'Is this Atticus Fudo and Cherry Butler?' the voice on the other line asked.

"Speaking." Cherry and Atticus replied.

'My name is Owen Grady, I'm in the Navy and a velociraptor expert, and I would like to see you all, do you all recall a place known as Jurassic Park?' the voice replied.

Cherry and Atticus's eyes both widened as they were reminded of that dinosaur theme park that they were forced to endure before, especially when they left Cinderella and Prince Henry to look for their long-lost parents which made them scream in terror and horror.

The End

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