chapter 7

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After a while, the two best friends up front were laughing about their escapade in the Thug Tug. Cherry, Atticus, and Mo fell asleep in the back, but they soon woke up from the sudden bumpy road and also felt hungry.

"Man, I'm hungry." Cherry said.

"It's been a while since we last ate..." Mo agreed as she held her stomach.

"Hey, look, free ice cream!" Patrick pointed ahead.

"Free ice cream?" Atticus asked confused.

"Oh, boy!" SpongeBob stopped the car and ran to collect the ice cream.

Cherry and Mo went after him since they were very hungry. Atticus decided to come as well since he was also hungry.

"How you doin'?" Patrick smiled to a skull, then did a double take. "Wait a minute... Wait a minute!!!" he then saw more skulls and called out as the sponge and merteens went to the stand. "GUYS!!!"

"Yeah?" SpongeBob and the teens turned to the starfish.

"Make mine a chocolate!" Patrick called back.

"Okay!" Atticus called back.

"Five please." SpongeBob said to the old woman behind her stand.

"Certainly," the woman replied and took out a couple of sundaes big enough for all of them. "You kids enjoy."

"Thank you, ma'am." Mo said.

"Uh, actually, ma'am, Patrick and I are men--" SpongeBob said. "Okay, Patrick, let's--" he then saw that the woman still held ont othe ice cream. "You can let go now. I said, let go, please. What is this? What kind of old lady are you?"

Atticus decided to test his theory about this lady by karate chopping her and where his karate chop showed the old lady was a fake. Her clothes popped off and so did her hair and glasses.

"Eww..." SpongeBob winced.

A huge frog fish comes out of the ground, revealing that the old woman was its tongue.

"I suggest we get back to the wagon." Mo said.

The frog fish tried to eat them.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM?!" Cherry yelped as she swam right back for the Patty Wagon.

Atticus and Mo soon joined her. SpongeBob fell into the Patty Wagon with them.

"Did you get the ice cream?" Patrick asked.

The frog fish monster roared and was now about to chase after them.

"Quick, step on it, Patrick!" Mo told him.

Patrick drove the Patty Wagon at top speed away from the frog fish, which is in hot pursuit, as he and the other screamed for dear life.

"Atticus, please get rid of that thing!" Mo begged.

Atticus took a stand as the frog fish tried to chase them.

'Come on, kiddies, have some ice cream!" the old woman came back in disguise.

SpongeBob and Patrick screamed out of fear, not believing that anymore.

"I'll let you pet Mr. Whiskers!" the old woman added in.

A vein then came out in the shape of a cat and even eerily meowed. Atticus shuddered before using all of his strength in one punch as he uppercutted the frog fish, sending it flying. The frog fish was moved up really quickly.

"Nice one, Atticus!" SpongeBob cheered.

"Thanks, SpongeBob!" Atticus cheered back.

The frog fish came back down and was trying to eat them.

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