Remembering That Night {Chapter 1}

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Here is Chapter 1 of Remembering That Night!!! We all hope you like it!! Also if you have any questions then ask either one of us!!! So here it is!!!:

- Lexi and Ally :)

Lexi POV:

Woooooo PARTY TONIGHT!!!!!! I was soooo excited for the big party tonight that everyone was going to. It’s Friday so that means no school to worry about going to the next day. "soph! You ready yet?!"  I yelled to my sister. She walked up to me "I'm right here, yes I'm ready, geez" she said. "sorry, I'm just so excited! I hope I get to talk to David" I said jumping up and down. "Yeah, cause you've only had a crush on him for, 3 YEARS!!" she yelled. "and tonight he's finally going to notice me, let’s go" i said confidently then we left. I grabbed my cell and quickly dialed Ally's number.

Phone Convo:

???: hello

me: who is this??

???: Its Kennie, she can't pick up the phone so what’s up??

me: oh hey Kennie haha I was just seeing if you guys were ready to go yet???

Kennie: yeah hold on one sec and let me get Ally *puts the phone down and yells* "SIS GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW AND PICK UP THE PHONE!!!!" then I heard Ally's voice through the phone "hey! What’s up?"She asked "are you ready?" I asked her anxiously. "Hell yeah I'm ready!" she yelled through the phone "haha, alright l'll come to pick you up in 5 ok?" I asked "Okee Dokee!" she said then we hung up and drove to her house.

When we got there I made Sophia get out and get her and Kennie. They all three ran back to the car and jumped in ready to go. "YEAHHH PARRRTYY!!!" Kennie yelled excitedly as she jumped up and down in the seat. "Chill Kenn" Ally laughed at her older sister. "Ay lets get this on" the aussies thick accent said. We drove to the party and when we got to the giant house that belonged to the most popular girl in school, Allison Porter, there were a ton of people there, we walked in and I immediately saw David making out with some cheerleader, my heart broke.

Sophia looked over and saw what I was looking at then gave me a big hug. "Awwww sis it’s ok, you can find someone way better than him!!!" she said. " I wish" i said still sad. then we ran into Allison "hey guys!" she said then hugged each one of us " hope you have a great time, now if you excuse me I need to go check to see if we have enough food, a lot of people are showing up bye!" she said then blew us air kisses. "Hey guys!!" Bridgette smiled as she came over to us. "Hi BG" i laughed at her. "DUDE LOOK AT HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE HERE!!!!! OH AND I FOUND GUERLENN, DIANA, AND AJEANAE!!!!!" Ally yelled over the loud music. Ok so all the girls were here.

 “Well how about we all dance together? to show all the boys how awesome we are?" I yelled. "Let’s go!" they all said. And we got on the dance floor and everyone crowded around us. I quickly noticed that David started to pay attention to me instead of that cheerleader girl. He walked over to where we were and he opened up his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Sophia. "Let’s go over here Lexi!!!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from him. "WTH?!? YOU KNOW I LIKE HIM!!!! HE WAS FINALLY NOTICING ME!!!""EXACTLY, HE IS A PLAYER LEXI!!!!! THAT’S ALL HE DOES!!!" Sophia yelled back at me.


 Kennie POV:

I was dancing around like crazy, just having a good time when someone walks up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. "Ayy I was dancin, whatd'u want!?!?!" I snap and turn around to see Justin staring shyly at me. "Oh umm i'm sorry, i just wanted to know if you wanted to dance." he mumbled. "Oh my gosh I’m sorry!!! I didn't mean to snap at you, i just thought you were another one of those weirdo’s around here that is drunk and wanted to rape me. Sure i would love to dance with you!!!" i smiled.

We started dancing when a slow song came on over the speakers me and Justin stood there awkwardly waiting for one of us o make a move "uhhh..." he said nervously “I’m thirsty, let’s go get something to drink!!" I suggested. We both walked over to where the drinks were and got one. "What is this??" I asked him as i looked into the cup. "I have no idea" he answered. i drank some and it tasted really good! "This punch is great!" i said and quickly gulped down the rest that was in my cup. After awhile everything started to spin around the room. I noticed that everyone was acting weird. Diana was dancing on a table and swinging her jacket over her head like a lasso and yelling "ride um cowboys". Everyone was going crazy!! Then I saw Lexy go upstairs with some tall guy whose face i couldn't see because everything was getting blurry

"Hey we need to go to the store and get more drinks, so let’s go!!" Allison came over and yelled. She dragged me and the rest of the girls and some guys with us and we all got into some cars. I'm not sure why everyone was going but they were. It then started raining really  hard and we were all singing along to the radio then Lexy yelled "Allison watch out!" and Allison turned the wheel as fast as she could to dodge an oncoming car, we swerved and CRASH!!

 I looked around and noticed that someone was screaming and crying. I quickly grabbed my sister Ally and pulled her out of the car. "Ally are you hurt???" i asked her. "no im fine" she said. I noticed that everyone else had gotten out of the car okay except for Bridgette and Allison. I started panicking and ran over to the torn up car to see Bridgette trying to yank Allison out of the car. In the impact of the crash Allison's legs went through the floor of the car and she was stuck in. “Can you get her??” I asked a freaked out Bridgette as she pulled on Allison.

 “I’m trying as hard as I can but I can’t get her loose!!!” She screamed back. Allison was crying and screaming as we both pulled on her. Suddenly there was a loud BANG and we knew that the engine of the car was about to blow up. I grabbed Bridgette and pulled her back and we both fell onto the ground. Aujeanae pulled me and her back always from the car as the engine blew up with a bang and the car caught on fire. Everyone stared in shock at the car as we could hear the screams of Allison begging for us to help her. There was nothing we could do though; the only thing there was to do was to watch the whole scene before us. After awhile the screams just stopped and we knew Allison was dead. Lexy started crying and we didn’t didn't know what to do, Diana called 911 and we waited for them to show up.

So that was the first chapter!!! We both hope you liked it!!!!

OMG poor Allison!!!

What do you think will happen next???

Please comment!!!

Like. Love. Hate.

- Lexi & Ally :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2011 ⏰

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