Remembering That Night {Character Intro}

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Hey everyone its Lexi and Ally here!!! This is the character intro for our new horror story!!!! We will be writing this together so if you have any questions or anything then ask either one of us!!! We love you all and a special thanks to the girls that auditioned for this!!! You all rock!!!! PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FOR CHARACTERS!!!! All the characters are on the video!!! So here is the character intro of Remembering That Night!!!:    

Guerlenn Moralien:

She has her  Hair Highlight Brown And Black, Kind of Have Freckles, 4 Ears Piercing. She is Nice, Outgoing, Can Be Mean If I Have Too, Tell the Truth Can Be Evil. She likes to were Skinny Jeans, Tank Tops, Sweaters, and Jordans. She doesn't  like People Who Lie Of Course/ Fake People, Ghost Bugs ( I Been Runiinqq Liike Crazy). She is pretty crazy but in a good way. She loves Drew Ryan Scott.

Kennie Fairlie:

She is  Petite, 5'2", has auburn-gold hair, and icy blue eyes. She is Cute, sweet, and innocent… or so you'd think. Definitely one of the guys, and totally loveable. Mischievous, occasionally dark, childish at times, and knows how to have fun (like a true Aussie!), spends way too much time at the beach, but somehow magically remaining fairly pale. Has a somewhat dirty sense of humor. Although she's usually really independent, sometimes she just likes to be with her guy. She likes to wear A lot of beach-y clothes, ie board shorts and bikini tops, jean shorts, flip flops, ets. But when she's not, she's a total boarder kid- skinnies, tees, hoodies, skate shoes, backpacks instead of purses, and she always has her skateboard with her. She likes CHOCOLATE, snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, surfing, getting into trouble, seeing if she can get out of trouble, cuddling, sneak attack hugs (both giving and receiving them), puppies, music, dance, theatre.She doesn’t like Snakebites, cats that don't like her, coontails, scary movies (esp. alone). She hates Nickelback, liars, sporks (i have no idea why lol). Her Worst fears are Spiders and sometimes, thunderstorms. Her and Ally are sisters. She is an aussie but her sister is an American. Their dad is an aussie and their mom is an American.

Brigette Webb:

She is Tall, 5'9", has long ash blonde hair,and blue eyes. She is Really shy and kind of standoffish when you first meet her, but she warms up to people quickly. After that, shes bubbly, fun, friendly, random, and overall likeable, and sometimes, even a little bit parental. She likes to wear between girly-ish and an edgy glam look. She likes Shopping, swimming, volleyball, wakeboarding, soccer, music, just hanging out. She dislikes Judgement,and  iPhones (BLACKBERRY FOREVER). She hates Lying to other people, when her socks don't match, being alone. Her worst fears are Dying alone, clowns, failure, death in general, and vegemite (never ever let anyone force you to eat it). She is in love with Jose.

Diana Styles:

She has brownish/ blackish shoulder length hair, and blue eyes.She is lovely, outgoing, sporty, good to listen too. She likes playing football, playing video games(sometimes), sometime like shopping xD, I LOOOVE to sleep till like 3pm as i'm up all night partying.. thats about it.She likes football, sometimes shopping & sometimes make up... Hates : SNAKES!! She is really funny and cool to hang out with. She loves Bobby Edner.


She is a Light African American, with dark brown eyes, dark brown hair. She is Outgoing, sarcastic, perverted at times, nerdy, opinionated, motherly, white washed (she speaks properly)She is  17 years old. Her  hobbies are dancing and singing. She is a Christian and she LOVEs EVERYONE (doesn't matter their race, body type, gender, or sexuality). She is Very Very Nerdy when it comes to school. she likes to hangout with her friends.  She can be very opinionated  and is also sarcastic sometimes. Her friends say that she is white washed and motherly. She doesn’t  drink, do drugs, or whore around. She loves easy, but don't take this as a weakness. She likes to wear anything cute and comfortable preferably name brand. She loves Jayk Purdy.

Carissa Constancio:

 She has Long Brown Hair, side bangs, dark brown eyes, around 5'3", tan, nose piercing, cartilage pierced. personality:  Out-going, but shy around people i dont know. when i meet new people or talk to really cute boys i get extremly shy and i smile to much.. but if my friends are there then im totally cool because they keep me sane. I aint a girly girl so people who think i am should get slapped. i am a total Tom-boy.. i get along with guys more than girls because girls talk to much shit behind their backs. im sporty. i play softball, volleyball, im a cheerleader (rarely), and i swimm. when people get to know me i get hyper, crazy,and random when im bored. but at first i keep to myself and stay on my phone. if your nice to me i'll be nice to you. but if you plan on being a bitch or dick to me i'll be a bitch and a dick back.! and i aint afraid to fight no one.i am also very caring about my friends and family so mess with them you mess with me.She Likes to wear high tops (dont matter as long as they are high), with skinny jeans and a graphic tee, or high tops with sweat  pants and a loose t-shirt. Likes/dislikes/hates: Likes: Kids, animals, music, being with my friends Dislikes: Reptiles, most sea animals(not dolphins), obnoxious ppl, Hates: Cheaters , whores, sluts, players, rapist, rude girls and guys. She loves AG Gamlieli.

Sophia marie Hernandez :

Her appearance is mostly purple colors. She is nice, funny, caring, sweet  weird, childish sometime, and last but not least RANDOM. She likes to wear skinny jeans with anima shirt(a shirt with like cartoons characters like hello kitty) likes: varsity Fanclub. dislikes: when peple make fun of my friends. hates: when people are rude and act like bitches. Her and Lexi are sisters. She loves Chris Moy.  

Lexi Hernandez:

She has tan skin, blonde, and green eyes. She is perky,bubbly,has a dark side, pranky,air headed sometimes,kind,funny,REALLY smart. She likes reading,swimming,singing,dancing. She likes to wear just comfortable things, t-shirts, sweats, sometimes girl things, i love heals! and knee high converse. Her favorite colors are blue,lime green,purple. She likes pepsi and hotsauce but not together! She fears heights,roller coasters,bugs,chucky,murderers ect.. She is in love with David Lei Brandt. Sophia is her sister.  

Ally Fairlie:

She has auburn-gold hair like her sister Kennie, and greenish blue eyes. She is nice, fun, caring, loving, crazy (in a good way), hyper, funny, random, happy usually, sweet, bubbly, sarcastic, friendly, and usually an all around nice and fun person. She loves art, she draws things all the time and where ever she feels like drawing it. She loves to sing, dance, hanging out with friends, shop, go to any kind of sport games, and listen to music. She likes to wear basically anything in style, slogan t’s, skinny jeans, hoodies, boots, converse, nike, skirts, and dresses. He favorite colors are blue, purple, and black. She hates people that are bitches to her friends. Her worst fears are Heights, really deep water, and spiders. She loves just hanging out and playing basketball with her friends. She is really chill about everything usually. Her sister is Kennie. She is an American but Kennie is an aussie with the thick accent. Their dad is an aussie and their mom is an American. She loves TC Carter.

Allison Porter:

She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone loves her. She is really popular. She likes to wear anything in style. Her parents are rich and gives her whatever she wants. She is usually friendly and nice. If you do something to her then you better be afraid and watch your back because she always gets what she wants.

Ok thanks soooo much you girls that auditioned and thank you all for reading!!! It really means a lot to us so thank you!!! We love you all!!! So if you have any questions about anything then talk to either one of us!!!! Peace and Love!!

- Lexi and Ally :)

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