Greater Hours

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  Tough times?
You say "no, not for me."
As you weaken these tough times with your bold heart.
Holding it against no one, but helping everyone rise.
Your manifestation sits next to you, as he watches you turn from a prince to a king.
Oh, how these tough times wish they could get to you, to try and seep into you. Yet you still stand always taking the lead, tossing your enemies aside as they cannot see who you are to us.
You are the inevitable, as they surrender to your command.
Setting yourself free at all odds.
If these tough times dare question your bravery, you sit on your throne of the greatest hours watching as you defeat them again and again.
None can harm you, what manifestations that hold you, putting your bold heart out to the world.
Long live your fearlessness as you watch these tough times flow away, for it is your greatest hours.  

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