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Taking a nap. That was (Name)'s original plan. But like most plans, they don't go as you want them to. Especially not when there were two guys making such loud noises fighting with the monsters just below her apartment.

Annoyed, she leapt out of her window. "Can you two keep your volume down?!"

When she landed, she noticed that the fight was over, and for some reason, the cyborg gorilla was talking quite normally. Oh but then again, Genos talks quite normally too. Probably.

"... He called their laboratory the House of Evolution, and their experiments gave birth to many new species." The gorilla finished up his story with a satisfied look on his face.

"Cut the crap! It's got nothing to do with me! Just gimme the main points!" Saitama's face loomed over the gorilla's, while Genos' eyes narrowed. "Sensei is busy. Shorten that to ten words or less!"

The gorilla apologized. "So, uh, in other words ... our boss is interested in your body."

"Sorry, but I'm not into dudes." Came Saitama's blunt reply.

(Name) burst out laughing. Well, Saitama had never had a single girlfriend, so it wasn't exactly wrong to assume that he was into guys. But when said, it was pretty hilarious.

"Sensei already has (Name)." Genos said monotonously. (Name)'s face of laughter immediately blushed as you desperately denied it.

"I was joking." With (Name)'s punch, Genos flew across the road. While (Name) tolerated the pain that came from hitting a metal covered cyborg, Genos came back and told Saitama about the House of Evolution using his for their research.

"We cannot allow them to run free, so next time, we must initiate the attack!" Genos reasoned.

"Yeah, let's go." Saitama turned swiftly and started walking down the street. "Tomorrow's bargain day , so I can't go then."

(Name) frowned as she followed Saitama, feeling as if she had forgotten something.

Bargain day? Saturday? Tomorrow...?

"Let's get there as fast as possible. Let's fly there." Genos suggested as the group ran.

"Humans can't fly." Saitama grumbled.

Then an idea hit (Name). She spread out her wings, and slithered her arms around Saitama's waist.

"W-What...?" There was a hint of fluster in the bald man's voice.



"We're going to fly."

With that, (Name) took to the skies hugging a dangling Saitama, with a cyborg beside her.

Man, was Sai heavy.

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