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Just like any other day, (Name) was lazing around in Saitama's living room. She lay on the couch, her phone an arm's length away from her face as she tapped furiously away on the screen.

She took a glance at Saitama, who was laying on his side, watching the news. "I really wonder where your money comes from..." She eyed his yellow suit again. God knows why he's wearing his costume.

Saitama just shrugged as he picked his nose.

"Sensei!" A shout came from the front door. (Name)'s eyes followed the bald man as he got up grudgingly to answer the door. Peering through it, Saitama sweat-dropped.

"... You actually came... Err... What's your name?"

"It's Genos, Saitama-sensei!" A familiar young voice replied, perking (Name)'s interest.

"Sorry, but could you quit calling me sensei?"


"Don't call me master either!"

Saitama sighed and invited the male inside. (Name) immediately shot up from the couch, ready to escape but was a second too late.

"You're the crow!"

Oh damn.

"Hello." The raven head smiled slightly and gave a small wave.

"As expected of sensei, you are friends with the crow." The blonde named Genos focused his attention back to Saitama, who was returning from the kitchen with a teacup in his hand. After placing the cup in front of Genos, he sat opposite him.

"Go home when you're done drinking. I'm not looking for any disciples, mind you."

Finding the conversation interesting, (Name) sat down beside Saitama. "If you become his disciple, does that mean you'll do whatever I say too?"

"I'd gladly serve a friend of sensei's."

"Welcome to the team." (Name) stuck a hand out to Genos with a cheery glint in her eyes, but before Genos could shake it, red gloves grabbed her wrist.

"Who let you decide?" Saitama looked back at Genos, noticing his current appearance. "Huh? You're in one piece again."

"Yes. Since my body is mostly artificial, it's easy to repair if there are spare parts."

"You're weird, you know that?"

"Sensei, what kind of artificial parts do you use?"

"I don't use any."

"Eh? Then what's that skin-coloured armour on your head?"

"It's called skin."

"But that would mean that you're already bald even though you're still young..." Genos placed his right hand under his chin, seemingly thinking about something.

"So what if I'm bald?!"

(Name) stifled a chuckle. Oops, Saitama snapped.

"What the hell is your problem anyway?!"

"My problem? Will you hear me out, sensei?" Genos' tone suddenly became serious, and (Name) could feel that he was itching to talk.

"Uh, no thanks."

Ignoring Saitama, Genos started his long back story.

"It all started four years ago... I was fifteen years old and still a normal human being. Even in this harsh world, I had a pretty happy and peaceful life with my family until then. But one day, a crazy cyborg attacked our town all of a sudden. He had completely lost his mind... I guess, his brain had been damaged during its transplantation into his cyborg body. He left after destroying every single thing in town. The parks, the schools, the buildings, my home... of course... my family didn't survive. Only I was miraculously spared, but as I was only a meek fifteen-year-old boy back then, I wouldn't have survived long all alone in the ruins of a town if Dr. Stench hadn't passed town by chance and found me. Dr Stench is a scientist of justice and was pursuing the cyborg to stop him. I begged Dr Stench to transform me into a cyborg and was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice. I made a promise to Dr. Stench to find that cyborg one day and destroy him."

Veins had appeared on Saitama's bald head and his eyebrow was twitching. It was no surprise to (Name) though, since she was on the verge of throwing Genos out of the window.

"Four years have passed since then. I'm nineteen years old not and I've been travelling from town to town fighting evil on the way. I have defeated countless monsters and evil organisations... but unable to find any clues on the whereabouts of that mad cyborg, I couldn't help but feel more and more irritated and restless by the day. I have spent the last four years chasing after the cyborg without success. And then a week ago... when that mosquito appeared, I really let my guard down. It's because I was convinced that I couldn't possibly lose to anyone that isn't that mad cyborg. I made a full-frontal attack without even performing a data analysis on her beforehand. You already know what happened after that. I was caught off guard by her hidden powers and I would have definitely been destroyed if you hadn't passed by, by chance. You saved my life, Saitama-sensei. Dr. Stench was the first to save my life and you're the second and now it feels like the weight on my shoulders doubled. Now that it's come to this, I absolutely can't die before I've destroyed that cyborg. And for that I'll have to continue fighting evil until he appears before me one day. I have to become stronger! When I saw your one-hit-kill last week, I knew I had to become your disciple. If I was only as strong as you... Saitama-sensei, I must destroy that cyborg! And it's not only for myself, it's also for my hometown and for Dr. Stench too. I know I'm still inexperienced... but I'm prepared to do anything to attain the power I need to defeat great evil!

Dr Stench told me-"

"You talk too much!" Saitama finally broke and intercepted Genos, with a face obviously pissed. "Come back when you've summarised what you want to say in one short and simple sentence of maximum ten words!"

"Sensei, here's what I wanted to say in short." Genos' eyes narrowed.

"Please teach me how to become strong like you, sensei."

P.S. I felt like punching Genos' handsome face when I was writing his back story.  

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