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   Mello had a rather devious smirk planted on his face accompanied by a dangerous gleam in his eyes. It would seem that he was already planning on dominating his new competition. That's all anyone ever was to the blonde child after all, competition.

   Matt, as usual, could care less. He was on his Gameboy, focusing on his game like his whole being depended on it. He seemed expressionless under his goggles, but anyone who really knew him could tell he was just fixated on beating the game.

   However, Near was twirling his white hair, staring into space. He knew the new addition to Wammy's would be all the same as the others. But, Near had grown tiresome of Mello's constant antics, and Matt's regard to almost everyone and everything. He wanted someone new. Maybe someone who he could relate to, even if just a little bit.

   The three superior children sat in a room, along with the other children of great intelligence that resided at Wammy's. However, unlike the other children, Mello, Matt, and Near stayed completely silent. Really, the only sound made by any of them was the repetitive "Tap...Tap..." of Matt's fingers on his Gameboy.

   Roger walked in, right on queue, and set down a laptop, automatically receiving several gasps from the children. The laptop screen faced the children, and had one letter plastered in the middle. "L". It was then, that Mello put aside his competitive nature for a second, Matt briefly took his eyes off his Gameboy, and Near realized that this new arrival was not going to be the same as the others.

Near, Mello, and Matt all realized a long time ago that L didn't just take time out of his day to introduce another child to Wammy's. This addition was special. Even Near and Mello, L's top two successors weren't introduced by L when they first arrived at Wammy's House. A spark of jealousy flashed in Mello's blue eyes. He hadn't even met the newest successor to L, and already he wanted to beat them in everything and anything, no matter the cost.

After what seemed like forever, but was really only a matter of seconds, L spoke up on screen, in his real voice. "Greetings, children." His voice was monotonous and calm, just as Near had remembered. "Don't be rude, say hello to the new addition." It became apparent that the successor was already in the room, yet, they were nowhere to be seen.

Mello practically jumped up, spinning his head from side to side, obviously trying to find this "new addition" first. His competitive nature had apparently kicked back in. Matt didn't seem to believe that the newest successor was here, probably because he couldn't see them. Near simply sat there, suddenly feeling a burning sensation in the back of his neck, as if he was being watched.

   Near turned around, and just as he had presumed, an unfamiliar face was there. What was really odd, however, was that fact that the newest successor was hanging upside down from a doorway. In an upside down frog-like position. This even took Near aback, and he widened his eyes for a split second, then only staring at the newest successor.

Mello, who was quick to follow Near's gaze, yelled at the sight of the child hanging from the doorway. "What is that thing!?" He pointed at the newest successor, his eye twitching. The child was a girl of age twelve or thirteen, who had smooth brunette hair that currently fell down the opposite way of her body, due to the fact that she was upside down. Her green eyes rapidly scanned everyone and everything.

Near met eyes with her, and as much as he hated to admit, he found this new girl intriguing. She didn't seem like the kind to bully him like Mello, or laugh when he got pushed around like Matt. No, this girl was going to be different. Near felt it in his gut.

  L responded to Mello bluntly, ignoring his rather rude manner of greeting the new addition. "That, Mello, is my newest successor, Coal. Or as most know her...'C'."

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