Part 5: Memories

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(a/n): Summer vacation finally started! I'm so freaking happy :D But I hope you guys will enjoy this part :)

(Yang): But you told us tha-

(y/n): They didn't, I lied!

(Yang): *Sigh* Okay, then tell me the truth

(y/n): My parents got killed by my brother...

(Yang): W-what? R-really?

(y/n): Yeah. It was 3 years ago when I lived with my parents in our new home

(Yang): B-but why would he kill his own parents?!

(y/n): Michael went missing and I didn't know about it... My parents thought that he died because they didn't find him and they didn't want to tell me the "truth" so they just made some excuses for me when I ask why Michael isn't at home. And then, one day...

  "Past in (y/n)'s POV"

(y/n): I'll see you tomorrow Hector!

(Hector): Yeah, and this time remember to do your homework!

(y/n): Yeah, yeah...

I waved to Hector and he waved back to me and then I walked to my home...

(y/n): I'm back!

(Mom): How was my little boy doing at school today?

(y/n): Great actually

(Dad): You have a girlfriend?

(y/n): N-no I don't have! C'mon dad, three days at a new school and you already ask me if I have a girlfriend?

(Dad): Well, I met your mother at your age so I'm just wondering if my son is going to do the same. Haha!

(y/n): Whatever... I have a lot of homework to do so please don't disturb me

(Mom): If you need any help then come and ask me

(y/n): Got it

  I walked upstairs to my room and sat down in front of my desk

(y/n): (I wonder how they're doing now...)

  I opened my book and started to do the homework... I suddenly heard that a door was bashed open

(y/n): Mom! Is everything okay?

(Mom): Y-yes honey! Don't worry, your dad and I got this

(y/n): Okay! (God, I just hate math!)

  About five minutes later I heard some footsteps outside my room...

(y/n): Dad? Is that you?

(???): Long time no see (y/n)...

  It was a familiar voice

(y/n): M-michael? I'm so happy to see that you're bac-

(Michael): QUIET!

(y/n): I-is everything okay?

(Michael): Follow me...

  I was a little confused how Michael acted when he came back home. I followed him to the courtyard and there, I saw my parents tied up in a chair and their mouth covered with a duct tape

Brothers' Quarrel: Yang Xiao Long X Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin