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Firstly, legit my writing style has switched- like I've completely switched to third person- and I've been spending my time writing gay shit because ??

So writing first person is really hard for me now, but I'm trying- because this update is wayyyy overdue. Like what it's been way over a year. I swear I'm disappointing myself sometimes. 

Secondly, I don't think I have writers block anymore- I'm just too lazy ??? So comments and votes really do motivate me. Promise, so even if its a comment to say hi, I will try and answer :D

Okay! Enjoy.



"Excuse you." Glaring was the only thing I was capable of doing at that moment. I tugged at my arm, trying to get it away from him because the thought of marring this man made me absolutely vivid. "I do not remember agreeing to this marriage. Or my parents agreeing." I try to tug my arm away from him but to no hope, he kept his grip tight on my arm. Not to the point it hurt, but strong enough so I wouldn't be able to walk away.

"No, you did not agree-"

"You speak to me as if I were not a person. You claim me to not be a proper lady? How about you unhand me and act like a respectable man." I tugged again and even with my words he didn't let go. His eyes seemed to dance around with some type of joy that I've never seen in a man.

"You are right." He let's go and steps back, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Looking back at me with slight enjoyment.

"What is that look? Do not look at me like that, it's just weird." I take a step back from him, wanting to get a few breathers from how close he had been. When I took the step back though- the emperor turned around and headed to the edge of his bed, where he sat down and let out a a breathy sigh.

"What is your name?" He asked softy, a boy less aggressive than earlier, but by the look he was giving me I knew it wouldn't last long.

"My name is Emily. And I would rather not learn yours. I came here to talk business not to be wedded." I lift my eyebrows as the emperor leans forward.

"That's right, your village is to get destroyed? Which village is it exactly?" He asked, his eyes digging holes into my skin. A man that was meant to rule and protect us seemed to know how to get under my skin. Both in wrong ways that I did not appreciate. Then again there were not right ways, but there was no surprise in the visit. That man was not going to change his ways just because someone came to tell him how awful he was to his face.

"It's the village right past the woods." I respond after a minute of silence. "I don't understand why it was said to get destroyed. What business do you have with my village? Is it really annoying you to such an extent?" If anything I was trying to be civil, yet I could feel my anger still at its peak. First this man comes to me and says I have to wed him, now he is asking about my village?

"Let's see." He gets up swiftly, walking towards a room in his room that had been closed. He unlocks it and looks back to look at me, send me a stare as if to say to follow. So I did, I follow behind him and in the room it appears to have a few papers, more like multiple all scattered around. "Hm, ah yes this one." He licks his lips, lifting paper up to read. "Your village is to be renewed into new space to build a fighting center. We need it so our enemy won't find where our fighters train." He looks up from that paper, his eyebrow raised- as if expecting me to suddenly apologize for making a mistake.

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