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Cover by: @fourgiving

I made a bit of changes to the last part to chapter 1 not big changes but if you probably are a bit confused read that part and then this part lol. 



"Gentlemen, I understand the orders you were given by your master, but I have to get home before a certain time and I believe that I won't get there is the emperor keeps me here longer." My feet dangle off the ground as I am carefully carried down the hall, it felt as if these men had no care about my well being. "I will get in huge trouble if my parents see I'm gone for more than a few hours." Although my excuse seemed like a good lie that would work on them, it didn't. If anything these men had no emotion what-so-ever.

While I had my eyes on one of the men, it came to my attention that he looks like a fatherly figure.

"Don't you men have children? A daughter? How would you like it if they just disappeared for a day without speaking to you about if first?" I ask, my eyes switching to the other man who's eyes flickered towards me. "My parents must be worried sick, I came here to do good but to no use was I. All I wanted was for my village to be saved."

"Do not speak." The man at my right whispered and looked ahead quickly, almost afraid of the consequences that may occur.

Something will happen if he doesn't unhand me soon!

"Look mister, I don't know who you guys think you are-" before I could comprehend what the situation was, I was dropped to the floor. One of the men still had a tight grip, but the other one began to knock at a door I didn't even realize was there.

"Yes?" A soft voice came out from behind the close door, to soothing to be anywhere around here.

"Your royal highness, the emperor has sent us." Before anything else was said a beautiful young girl opened the door, revealing the messy curls she had on top of her head. Which were probably not combed correctly yet.

"Madam we have been requested from the emperor to bring you this young lady so you may fix her." The other guard comment, suddenly her eyes shift at the mention of me. However, my hand was still in the hold of the first guard and I was trying to put all my weight on him so he would loosen his grip.

"Oh my!" She quickly rushed to me and tried to grab my other hand, trying to pull me up while she was at it. "Boys, get her in my room quickly please." Dropping my arm she went back to open her door because I wasn't going to walk anywhere with anyone. With no respect for me, I was dragged into the room that had way to much color. "Just set her there, you may leave now." She rushes out, them dropping me in the floor completely their hold completely gone from my body.

"I am not okay." I mumble, sitting down and dusting my clothes off a bit, trying to leave the dirt on the floor. When I look up the guards have disappeared and the young women had a bright smile on her face.

"Hello, oh dear- it's has been a while since we had another female around my age in here." She extended her hand, my eyes went down to it not knowing if she wanted me to shake it or if she was offering a hand to pull me up. Instead of finding out, I pulled myself up and quickly shook her hand. Not wanting to be rude to this girl.

"Ah yes, I bet- living in this tower seems quite awful in the first place."

"It is pretty lonely up here." She nods, grabbing a brush from her desk. "Who brought you to the palace? What did you do that my brother wants to talk to you?" Although it could have sounded rude to another human, I didn't find it rude because she said it in such a sweet way.

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