Chapter 2

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I was the secound to last one to wake up and when I do.Yuki is holding on her side a fish pillow and she is nawing on it also.I laugh at her and we wake up the guys so Gin can take a picture.We forgot our cameras.Gin comes in and smiles and he takes a picture.As soon as the camera flashes.She gets up nad on he knees the pillow still hanging from her mouth.Her ears were twitching like crazy.The pillow dropped from her mouth and into her lap and then she collapsed.Sound asleep again.Gin shows us the picture and we all laugh.


I get up and I rub my eyes.It's noon already.I slept really well last night.I yawn and I stretch.I grab stuff to take a shower and I get in.I get out of the shower and I see Moka and Kurumu talking.I dry my hair and I brush it."So want are we doing today?"I ask."were going to Tskune's for lunch."Kurumu says.My reply was only an Oh.I got dressed in a blue tank top a pink hoodie and shorts.I look at the clock and its about lunch time so we all take a car to Tskune's place.Sensei doesn't come because there is no guarantee that there is fish.I don't wear a hat because I fanybody asks I'll say that they are glue on ears.When we get there we all knoc on the door and we sit at a table.When the food is served I saw fish and we all ate I only ate the fish though.After I was done I excused myself and I went back to the hotel.I go in the room and I get a shower and then I play cards with Sensei.(No we didn't play Go Fish.)By our tenth game the rest came back and it was time for dinner.So Sensie went out and got two pizzas;One for each rooom:Pop and chips.We all got our food and we ate and ate.One by one evryone got a shower.I grab my last piece of pizza and I take a bite out of It I let the cheese burn the roof of my mouth.The chips and the pop and the pizza are gone and everybody is asleep.I lay there and stare at the ceiling of the room.I get up thinking I need a drink to sleep.I open the door and Gin was there opening his door."What are you doing?"I ask."Getting something to drink in the lobby."he replies."Same."I say.


I wrote this in a notebook and I got reallt lazy so I didn't want to type this and plus I'm watching Death Note also so yeah but I typed this.I have the next chapter planed out so yeah.So I f i don't upload it its because I'm really lazy.

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