The Beautiful be Damned(comments aren't forgotten as much as days are lost-

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Hey, hello this piece of amazing writing from moi is dedicated to this chick lillangel95 why you ask just because she is AWESOME AND I would write one for anybody that asked -just give me the idea next time okay- I was sick today/yesterday anyways I am better now and a little hyper my whole family is getting sick it started with my little sis and then soo on the only one not to get it is my mom which is odd and its sooo bad timing when x-mas is on its way anyways I wrote this after reading about yet another celebrity who has died and here it is enjoy what was left and not what was there see yea soon I hope.....................................................................................................................................

btw I wrote this today! yay so it counts as being new to the newest right? hello?

Title: The Beautiful be DAMNED...

They said we were the dead, yet to fully die...

But we're still walking steady with the pistol in one hand and a knife in the other...

The trigger on pull, and the knife waiting for commend to finish its job..

not quiet yet, not so soon people like us have things (important things to do)

We're the brave that walks in front of the fallen hero's.

We've got heads held high, and a smile of confidence..

We are well...

With Grins too broad to tell if there real or not and...

A modest show for the tell too truthful to ever

think twice that there was a lie in the air...

We are the beautiful but, and its always like this

when you are someone like us..

But there is the quintessential catch

we are always those damned,

cursed for our life..

now and to come..

We can be, but what am I saying we are..

AS perfect as the covers of photo shopped images on those magazines

We are the exception because we are the real thing.. ..

We live, among those that have fallen to the most worst of scenario's possible.

At the top of all those listed this one beat's

all the rest to a pulp and makes the finish with a gold metal..

Do you wanna know what it is that we're all so afraid of that it lingers at everyone's lips like a babies breathe?

We have no doubt that you do, want the answer

but Its not given...

because well to put this simple..

Life goes by in one breathe and at the time of

the blink of a mascaraed eyeliner shaded eye..

It all crumbles too soon to be taken as anything but that,

of a newspaper with too much tragedy to handle that its tragic and too much for one soul to bear..

on their conscious mind..

So you throw it in the trash and go for the paper with shiny fake pictures..

of someones too perfect life and whom you know is gunning to be the next big fuck up..

of the world and you can't wait for that starlight to miss their chance at fame

and to just lose their freedom..

in the spotlight of headlines in a glossy built up deceiving magazine..

Its types like that, those that decide the fate, our fates that have already

been written on and off and are going straight to print..

Its too late of course and when you object to the sentence laid out

neatly before you in the Literacy's handwriting.

We are those that get stopped on every corner.

We're not the somebodies of today no, but we are..

the nobodies of tomorrow..

The forgotten lose and the Famous become lost..

We are just to good at what we do and..

have been doing for anyone to ever actually notice..

That anything could have been wrong.

Our games not with the cards passed and dealt.

Its with the dealer who knows all the answers expensive to the world.

That we'd all run out of money trying to pay up to that kind of god...

The dice roll and the dead die its bleak..

But that's just how everything usually works

Chips fall and there are bar brawls..

The piece's don't match up and no ones story goes together..

to fix the mystery's puzzle into the image depicted on the box-set.

The beautiful aren't as great as they appear

so they're damned with their own looks..

The rest will kiss them their goodbye's..

Till the next big thing comes along and takes,

and fills their interest long enough..

That no one is getting bored..

So what do you say on pulling the trigger and moving the blade close

because tonight they all cry..

For how great you stood for.. and ...

never for who you really ever were...

You'll be missed for long enough that you'll get the

montage and a few words of remembrance..

But it will never be long enough for people

to get a glimpse of who you ever really were..

That is why we're all so alone, isn't it though?

We're all in a act of two and we play both parts with heart..

We're so good in fact that we forget that its all this big facade of a charade..

We'll never noticed that in the mirrored reflective glass that we're both..

The weak that's been broken down with disappointment.. and also

the strong that's the lead controlling the whole scene.

We are..the blade pulled and the bullet triggered and..

Well, its good bye for the now and never the later..

Good bye to just how good the forgotten get..

becoming the flash of the bulb in the new smoke

of the gone and dead..

Now bow your head low and...

Lets whisper,

now quietly the

rest in peaces

for the equinoctial of today's people..

This is awesome! sorry anyways yay I liked it better on here anyways tell me dear fans what you liked about it, hated about it loved it or otherwise, anyways I really hope if you are sick somewhere that you get the care needed right now my family is getting sick one by one so its sucks leave me comments like you left me love..haha I haven't a clue on what the hell I am talking about when I have never been in love darn! anyways do your thinking and give me your brain mawhaha!

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