Lost something? Here's how to find it!

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I read a story over the net and wanted to share it with you guys, so here it is! 

One day at my Islamic classes, an excited lady rushed into our room and said: “It worked. I found it!”

… What on Earth?

We, students turned our heads to observe our teachers reaction and to our surprise, she just smiled, said a few words (which I could not make out) and the class continued as though nothing happened.

We were puzzled and confused but not a single word about it was uttered.

As our class progressed, we somehow stumbled onto the topic of losing things and then our teacher told us about what happened earlier with the lady.

It turned out that the lady lost a precious piece of jewellery in one of the classroom and was running around frantically in search of it.

My teacher noticed this lady as she entered the building and advised her to makedua (supplication) to Allah to help her find her lost item.

So the lady quickly uttered a dua without really thinking about the words and continued to panic but my teacher held her on the spot, calmed her down a bit and told her to repeat the dua again slowly and this time to actually mean it.

After parting ways, within minutes the lady found her jewellery and stormed into our room in joy to let my teacher know that the dua worked! To which my teacher reminded “Of course it will work! All duas work!”

And this, my dear readers is what today’s hack is all about

It is a reminder to you all (including myself!) that the moment you lose something, remember to ask Allah first to help you find the item before beginning your frantic search.

Here is the dua that the lady made: 

Allahuma ya jami’ an-nas liyoumin la rayba feeh ijma’ bayni wa baina dhaaliti.

O Allah, the gatherer of mankind on the day in which there is no doubt. Join between me and my lost item.

There are also other variations of this dua that you may be familiar with but remember it needs to come straight from the heart. This dua (as with all duas) requires sincerity and firm belief that Allah will return this item back to you or even replace it with something better insha’Allah.

By the way if it ‘works’ then don’t say ‘it worked’ rather say ‘Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has answered my dua.

All the best! I pray that Allah reunites you with your lost item. :D 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2013 ⏰

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