Helping your uncle jack off a horse...

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(So I’m going to post these 2 entries as one chapter, for some reason I feel like a should…and because I have the ability to. ;] ~unknwon)

November 19, 2011-

Dear fellow friends,

So tonight was the ball, I couldn’t help but have fun. Nate was a great catch. He was funny and made the whole time a blast. I’m glad he is my cousin. I’m pretty sure if he wasn’t there, that ball would have been extremely boring for me. I mean, who wants to go to a fancy ball by themselves? I don’t.

So I’ve been thinking about life for a bit. (I know, shocking…a serious thought in my mind.) But, I was curious as to what it would be like if I wasn’t where I am now. Where would I live, where would I go to school, who would be my friends; have you ever thought of that? It kind of took me a while to realize that I am here for a reason; in fact, everyone is where they are for a reason. Maybe it’s for school, a lover, a future but what I’m trying to get to is, just because something doesn’t come your way immediately, you should just have patience. It will come soon enough. I guess that was kind of a pointless speech, but I felt like I should say it.

My favorite sentence- Don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world.

Oh! I want to dedicate this chapter to my first two fans!




You guys are awesome and I hope you read this! Thanks so much for fanning and if you do read, sitting through all my rants! You guys are the best!

So I slept over at my friend’s house for the first time since I moved on Friday…and I can put into words what an experience it was. It was awesome and weird at the same time. You know that feeling you get when you are at someone’s house and you don’t want to touch anything because it’s not yours? That was kind of how I felt. Plus it was way out in the middle of nowhere. I guess me knowing that no one would even be able to find me to ax murder me, kind of lulled me to sleep at night. The next day I got to ride her horse though; which was awesome, because I absolutely love horses, and I haven’t been able to ride one in forever. Am I being ungrateful? I think I am. Don’t get me wrong guys, I really enjoyed being there! It was just a little awkward for a first sleepover there.

So, the other day someone asked me where I wanted to be in 10 years. This of course sparked a plug in my mind and I started thinking about it immediately.  I then realized I have no clue where I want to be in 10 years. There are so many things you can do with your life.  With my artistic talent being a negative 5 I had to mark that out though. But even with art out of the picture, think of all the many things you can be or do. So that led me to want to ask you guys; Where do you want to be in 10 years?

So now I’m going to sleep. I hope tomorrow is as good as today, because today was pretty great.


November 20, 2011

Dear friends,

I now realize that when I hoped for today to be just as good as yesterday, I jinxed it. I’m currently sitting in my mom’s extremely hot office because we are waiting for a repair man to come and fix a leak that managed to start in the few minutes I wasn’t in the other room in her office. I find this quite odd seeing as I was sitting there and then we were going to leave, but my mom got distracted so I was sitting in her room for a few minutes. After I did that we were actually going to leave but my mom went into the other room and found out that there was water coming through the ceiling from the office above us.  I don’t know what triggered it, but I’m assuming it’s the a/c unit because it’s hotter than a summer day in here.

Earlier before this we were moving a glass table from my mom’s office to our house and it was an extremely heavy table so we had my favorite man here—pat. Pat is this really loud and hilariously funny man that we are friends with; he brought someone and that guy brought his son. When we got it to the house, knowing my mom, we immediately came back to the office so she could get work done. I’ve been in here since 11-12 o’clock; now it’s 4:37. Oddly enough, she didn’t get any work done. Well, that’s a total lie, but don’t tell her I told you that.

So now I’m sitting here watching the terribly built wall shake from someone walking on the floor of the office above us. I wouldn’t be shocked if that came down. Not kidding; plus the people that my mom rents her office from take absolutely no care of this building, so I don’t think it would really bother them much either. Actually, the place that owns this building takes no care of anything they own to tell you the truth. They owned another building and I swear it fell down. We don’t even have earthquakes here! What does that tell you?

In all honesty, I think my mom is actually about to move locations. It wouldn’t really bother me seeing as I absolutely hate everything about this building. From the shaking walls to the uneven cabinets, this place is my living hell; and I thought college would be bad. I don’t really think anything can beat this place.

So I’ve decided that for the questions I give you guys, I’m only going to give one. Then, the answer I think is the best will be added into the next chapter and I will also dedicate the chapter to the answerer.

I have so many questions to ask you guys though, but I kind of regret putting the question ‘what are you most thankful for?’ down so early. I wish I would have saved it till Thanksgiving. Oh! That reminds me, I’m changing the schedule from only once a week to once a day; and if I miss a day then I’ll include two days in the next one.

I don’t really plan on getting particularly ‘famous’ on wattpad, but I would like a few fans and to be on the what’s hot list at least once… even if I am really far in the back. That would probably make my life, seeing as I’m actually giving effort into keeping this going. You guys don’t even know how difficult that is either. For some odd reason, I’ve never been good at writing stories online and keeping them up there. I remember that was one of the things I admired most about the writers on here. How they kept coming up with ideas and kept writing. I don’t think I have the right guts to be able to do that. That takes skill I definitely do not have. Alas, I keep writing.

So I got the titanic series that I was talking about earlier…? I can’t remember if I told you guys about it or not. Well, anyway, I got it and I haven’t started reading it yet, because I’ve been a slow person on finishing the last book of the hunger games series. So I need to get to business on that. Unfortunately I kind of don’t want to finish it, because I feel like she is going to do some dumbass (pardon my French) move that will either land her in a graveyard, in jail, or without either of them. I’m not really a side though. I find it hard to choose between Peeta and Gale. One of the reasons I like Peeta is because he’s actually a bright boy and he has this sense of cuteness to him..but then I like Gale because he has been with Katniss (it took me five minutes to remember her name..I’m pretty sure that’s a bad sign of early Alzheimer’s) for all her life and they know each other well.  Hm, maybe I’ll go the Bella Swan way and choose the sparkly one.

So I heard that this girl is trying to prove that biebs had a baby. Weren’t we all calling him a female not long ago? And can females produce offspring with another female? I think not. So, it’s alright biebs, we believe you. (I haven’t really looked that far into it..sorry.) So, there are my 2 cents on that subject.

So its Thanksgiving holidays this week. I should be here all day. Well, on the computer I mean. Actually no, I might get some fresh air sometime. Either way, if I grow a fan or 2, I’m not far from a computer and I always have my phone on me. So if I catch word of a new fan (via gmail.) I shall get on as soon as I can and thank you. For the two people that I have already thanked, I fanned them. So if you get in early enough, I’ll fan you and read one of your stories; and leave goo feedback (;]).

I extremely dislike people who have no care for grammar. I’m talking about those people who just write run-on sentences and expect you to know the difference between helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse; or, helping your uncle jack off a horse. Oh, that was nasty. Sorry you G rated people. It was a moment of stupidity.

So now I’m leaving my mom’s office and I must go. Till the morrow my friends!


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