Chapter 37

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Hey guys! Sorry for the last chapter...yeh there is not much more I can say. Also, thank you all so much for taking the time to read, comment and favourite my story it really means a lot. Onwards!

3 weeks later...

Time stood still. Moments felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, weeks felt like years. It had been 3 weeks since the massacre of hundreds of innocent warriors, 3 weeks since Trian has been gravely injured. He had not yet awoken, and I had spent every waking minute of my days sitting by his side, clutching onto his hand like it was my only lifeline in this sea of terrors. Dr.Griffin had assured me that my lover was in the safest place he could have been, but his survival was up to his own strength.

Trian's injuries were extensive and should have caused an almost instant death, but for reasons unknown to the medical professionals, he was hanging on. Two gun wounds marred his chest, one just above his heart and one a few inches below. They had healed up during the weeks I sat by his side, healing into perfect pink tissue. His hands felt cold and clammy as I clutched them inside my own sweaty palms. But the tears had long since stopped falling. I had our daughter to look after now, and putting so much stress upon my body would only damage us both - which Trian would never in a million years want. With one last look at my deathly still boyfriend, I kissed his cheek and made my way from the ark's medical bay.

My godmother, Indra, and all the other companions who had traveled with me for what should have been a short journey to the ark had long since been forced to leave the enemy grounds in fear of yet another massacre occurring. Clarke had left as well. She couldn't bear the memories off her former people any longer, she couldn't bear the disappointment she felt when she looked upon their faces and saw the faces of the dead warriors we had all come to love. The only reason I was allowed to stay here mostly unbothered, and to have my boyfriend placed in the medical bay was due to my heritage. The sky people's chancellor, 'Pike' didn't want to make an enemy of my father, the Ice King, by mistreating his daughter. Not that he hadn't already 'mistreated' his daughter's maybe-one-day-hopefully-son-in-law and his granddaughter's father. Although I hated the cocky, hate-filled man I was grateful for the treatment my man was receiving - but he also wouldn't need it if it wasn't for Pike.

Leaving the medical bay, I arrived outside the ark and took a moment to breath in the clean, fresh air. Spending all my days sitting by Trian's bedside wasn't good for me or my daughter but I couldn't quite bring myself to leave him for more than a few hours a day. He would do the same and more for me, I was certain of it. The fresh air awakened my senses enough for me to notice the chancellor approaching me rapidly. So far I had managed to avoid the horrible man with little to-no direct confrontation but it looked like my time of avoiding him was fast running out. I forced an approachable smile onto my face as the man neared me and made a quick effort to straighten out my clothes. Not that I needed too do much, these Sky people lived in filth. And they called us savages.

"Pike." I murmured with the smile I had so carefully forced onto my face looking up at him.

"Princess Mina. I was wondering, when will your father be arriving?"

Now, that threw me for a second, my heartbeat began to quicken and I placed a hand upon my stomach and saddened my expression in order to appear a defenceless, young, pregnant girl. I looked of to the side and sighed loudly,

"I'm not completely sure. I've been expecting daddy for a few days now. I'm sure he will be arriving soon so my boyfriend and I can get out of your hair."

AloneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon