Crack Of Dawn

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Jason woke with sleep clearly is his eyes. He expected Alexandria to have them stay here until they ran out of supplies. He was wrong. He sat up and stretched, yawning. Alexandria ripped the blanket from him and packed everything quickly. She never spoke a word. He stared at her with confusion in his eyes and he stood. "We are being followed, you know." She said grabbing the bags and pushing the rock out of her way. She headed out and Jason followed.

Once outside the cave they had to fight through the snow. At one place Alexandria leaned over and tapped a place in the snow. To Jason's suprise it sounded metal and purple lights illuminated the place in the snow. It began to rise a bit and the snow fell away to reveal a plane. "I've missed this baby." Alexandria whispered, pulling a key from her necklace. They climbed inside and she positioned herself at the wheel. A large grin spread across her face. "Here comes the fun part!" She said looking at the darkening sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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