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Sana: soonyoung

Sana: just to make things clear

Sana: I'm not mad at you

Sana: i was just upset that time because of what Woozi told me

Sana: and I accept the fact that I was jealous of Momo

Sana: because I like you

Sana: I'm sorry for telling you this just now

Sana: since I know you're still sleeping this time or probably you're busy, I sent this so that i won't argue with you anymore

Sana: I'm really sorry for not telling you that I like you

Sana: i didnt know what will happen to us so I refused to confess because you're an idol and I'm only a fan

Sana: bye naegahosh :))

Sana: I'm going back to Japan ✈


TBH THIS SHOULD BE THE EPILOGUE BUT NAh cause I have something to reveal on the epilogue ;)

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