Follow Back: 009

785 64 8

Hosh: hey :<

Hosh: sorry for the veryyyy late reply :<<<

Hosh: u mad?  (╥﹏╥)

Hosh: i was busy in school π_π

Hosh: we had a camping :<

Hosh: plz forgive le mi :(((

Hosh: yah :<

Hosh: i thought we're friends? •́︿•̀

Hosh: Sana-yah I'm sorry

Sana: who told you I'm mad hoe?

Hosh: OMYGAWDDD HII ^o^~^o^~^o^~^o^

Sana: I'm busy gtg

Hosh: aish  ̄へ ̄

Hosh: now you're saying that?  Are you trying to revenge or ur rlly busy (¬_¬)

Sana:  HOEsh pls

Sana: I'm not trying to revenge I'm really busy

Hosh: hoesh?????

Hosh: heyyyy :< leaving so soon?

Hosh: let's talk pleaseee (╯︵╰,)

Hosh: I am exhausted even though I just talked and talked the whole time during our camping

Hosh: we dont have a food

Hosh: they let us catch fish for our breakfast,lunch and dinner and let us beg for food

Hosh: but ofcourse I wasnt the one who do that ;)

Hosh: I let my friends do it hahahaha (~_^)

Hosh: Yahhh

Hosh: aren't you going to reply? I wasted time typing ≧ω≦

Sana: who told you to waste time by typing?

Hosh: YOU

Sana: i didnt


Sana: i didn't


Hosh: FITE ME IF YOU DIDNT (๑و•̀ω•́)و

Sana: I'm really gonna FITE you (๑و•̀ω•́)و

Hosh: urggghh why do I always lose in our argumentssss  ≥﹏≤

Sana: because you're pointless?

Hosh: WTF

Hosh: I'M NOT!!!!

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