Prussia x Reader

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Prussia's loud voice was all you could hear at the party as he laughed with his two friends, France and Spain. His cheeks were already slightly pink from the alcohol and you couldn't help but laugh from your place across the room. You had a cup of water in your hand, sipping at it occasionally as you watched your crush through lovesick eyes.

It was blatantly obvious you liked him, there wasn't a person alive who didn't know. People kept telling you that he liked you back, but... You couldn't help feeling he didn't. After all, if he liked you back surely you two would be dating by now?

You chalked it down to the fact that Prussia liked to... Get around, and you had only kissed someone once in your lifetime. That was two years ago.

So, it wasn't a surprise that he hadn't made a move. You sighed, sipping at your drink. Maybe one day.

As it happened, that 'one day' was going to be very, very soon. America was calling everyone to the centre of the room, shouting at the top of his lungs so as to be heard over the thumping music. A frustrated England switched the sound off and glared at America.
You slowly made your way over too see what was worth all the fuss.

"Hey! Is everyone listening! Who am I kidding it's me of course you're listening." You rolled your eyes at his attitude. "We're going to play a game of 7 minutes in heaven! Write your name on a card an throw it in the hat!"

Before you knew what was happening everyone was pushing and shoving to reach the table where the cards lay, scribbling names and laughing nervously as they dropped them into the hat.

As you made your way through the crowd to join the line a body collided with yours and you were knocked sideways. You yelped as your whole world toppled to the right and your drink flew from your grip. Two firm hands gripped your shoulders and halted your fall, and a familiar laugh brought you back to your senses.

"Kesesese, you should watch where you're going ____!"

You turned to face none other than Prussia, blushing slightly.

"I'm sorry-" you noticed a dark patch on his suit, realizing you spilt your drink on him. "Oh my goodness your clothes, I'm so sorry!" You blurted, looking for a nearby napkin. He waved his hand dismissively,

"It's fine, ____! Besides, I have a feeling I'll be taking it off soon anyway~" he grinned, coming awfully close to your face. You felt a blush rise on your cheeks as his arm reached out behind you...
... His hand came back with a piece of paper and he grinned, pulling away. It was then you realized that you were at the table and were the last to write your name down.
"Come on, you don't won't to miss out!" He sauntered away, dropping his name into the hat. You cast your eyes to the paper before you and scrawled your name before dropping it into the hat. Your breath caught as it landed on top of the pile of names. Who would draw you?

You crossed your fingers as you walked back to the crowd, finding your friends and grinning with them.

The chatter of the party died down as America cleared his throat. He took the hat and plunged his hand inside - shuffling it around for theatrics. You bit your lip as he pulled out the first card, but instead of reading it out he kept it close.

"Let's make this more fun! Everyone - close your eyes!"
Everyone looked at him in confusion, not trusting where it was going.
"Come on, it'll be good! If you all close your eyes, I'll tap the person on the card and put them in the closet. Then - because it is dark in the closet - the two lucky ducks won't know who they are in there with!"

There was a murmur of anticipation as everyone closed their eyes, you had to hand it to the American, it was a good idea.

You heard footsteps as America lead whoever had been on the card to the closet. He said something about keeping their eyes shut before returning. Unable to stand still you shifted your weight. Your heart started to beat a little faster.

Hetalia! Country x Reader (Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now