Lithuania x Reader

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Since this is my first, here are a few things to remember: '____' is your name, (e/c) is your eye colour, (h/c) is your hair colour, (s/c) is your skin colour, (h/l) is your hair length. They are all pretty standard in fanfics so it shouldn't be too hard to remember, though I don't think I'll be using much of them at all. Also, Lithuania was a hard one to do a lemon for, I mean, the country's too innocent for this!! =)

You looked up from your book when Lithuania tapped you on the shoulder lightly. You smiled up at him, then looked away abruptly. You'd had a major crush on the timid boy for a while now but you knew he didn't feel the same. He liked Belarus, even you couldn't compete with that. Lithuania smiled confidently, something he didn't do often, and took you by the hand, taking your book from you and leaving it on the couch.

"Hey, Lithuania. What's up?" you asked casually.

"Not much, it's just..." He was really quiet today, but for some reason that smile never left his face. Lithuania was one of the Baltic trio, the housekeepers in Russia's home (which you were currently standing in). Lithuania was one of your best friends, you often had girly talks with him when there was no one else around, he didn't seem to mind and often joined in. Right now he was looking rather mischevious as he led you to the kitchen where he spent most of his days. His brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his green eyes glinted in the fluroescent light.

"Um, Lithuania? Did you need something?" You asked again, wondering what he was up too. The baltic smiled, placing his hands on both your shoulders.

"____, I know this is sudden but..." You bit your lip in anticipation, could this be one of those scenes from a manga where the impossible crush conffesses his secret love for you? Mentally you squealed before pulling your enthusiasm back. He hasn't said anything yet.

"I, well, the other day..." He took a deep breath, then paused for a moment. He seemed to be second guessing himself, pulling his hands away before finally continuing; "I talked to Belarus and she didn't break my fingers, ahaha!" He laughed lightly and you felt yourself deflate, serves you right for building up something from nothing. Lithuania seemed to notice your sudden change of mood and looked into your eyes, worry filling his own.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah! Course." You laughed half heartedly and the nation noticed, putting a hand on the small of your back comfortingly. You felt tingles rush through your body and immediately wished they didn't, why were you so darn attracted to him?

"You don't look okay. ____, are you crying?" He asked in amazement. He raised his free hand and wiped the single tear from your eye with his thumb, the simple gesture making your face flush. His long fingers brushed a strand of stray hair behing your ear, his touch as light as a feather on your cheek. Slowly he leaned down towards your face, for a moment his face hovered over yours as your heart hammered in your chest.

You could smell his after shave as he moved closer, finally your lips touched and your stomach fluttered. He was so gentle, your lips moving in sync as he pulled you closer to his body. You were encased in his figure as the kiss deepened, your arms wrapped themselves around his neck as you tried to get even closer to the country. His hands were strong yet kind as they guided your legs around his waist, using them to cup your bum and keep you aloft. Not once did the kiss break as he walked you through the house, in fact it deepened to the point where you couldn't stand not being with him further. You sucked lightly on his lip, asking for entrance. He parted them slightly and you slipped inside, feeling around this new area. Your tongues met and danced for a while, loosely fighting for dominance as he entered his small bedroom, laying you down on the bed. He crawled over so he towered over you, kind eyes full of love and need. You smiled and pressed your lips together briefly before pulling away.

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