Chapter 33 - Moving Forward

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Chapter 33 - Moving Forward


It's been about two weeks since she woke up now.

About two weeks since I held her close for the first time in a while and she hung onto me like she would loose me if she didn't.

The day after that, her mother got to see her.

All I really know is that it was an extremely difficult, yet sweet reunion.

We are the only two people that have seen her yet; Mrs. Prior and I. Dr. Scott is keeping her extremely isolated from the outside world in the ICU, mainly just for Tris's safety.

She's softening up to the world around her now; getting use to her surroundings.

I really hate referring to her like this; like a new pet or baby sibling or something. Like talking about her as if she isn't in the room, but in reality, she is.

It's just hard not to though... She hasn't talked yet, but she's showed signs of trying to. I along with the doctors don't understand if it's that she's scared, or if she just physically can't, like if it causes her pain or something.

Yet again, it's hard to know because she hasn't talked.

Since she's coming around a little bit more every day now, she's getting moved out of the ICU containment she's been in for months today.

I just hope that she makes the transition well.

Great, now I'm referring to her like she's a fish being moved from one tank to another.

It's been exactly two months and two weeks since the rescue today.

Everyone else has just about gotten back on their feet by this point, but here she is, not even taking her first baby step until today.

Maybe things will just go okay from here on out and there'll be no more struggling with going up steep mountains.

Maybe she can get somewhat of a free, easier ride from this point on.

I don't know if it's possible, but I sure hope it is.

+ + +


"Hey Tris." I say smiling as I walk towards her in her bed.

She looks in my general direction, her eyes not showing fear like they use to when I, along with anyone else, would enter the room. The light still hasn't fully returned to her eyes yet though. She still has the slight look of fear mixed with pain behind her blue-grey orbs.

"You're finally getting out of this place today. They're going to move you to a regular hospital room and out of this ICU room. That's good news, Tris." I smile and brush a small strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. The stitches along her jawline were removed about a week ago, but the scar of the long cut along with the stitches remains in a darker pink color.

She sighs quietly, her mouth open as it looks like she struggles to speak.

Dr. Scott thinks that she may have just injured her voice from screaming so harshly.

I think otherwise though. She was still saying things quietly when I had her in the back of the truck with me, and she was saying 'please, no' a lot right up until they took her away from me on a gurney. Since that moment, she has been silent.

I've thought about it over and over again; I don't even want to know what he did to her in that place.

She takes my hand in hers and holds it loosely in both of her hands. She looks me in the eye, and I smile at her, resting my other hand on top of her head. Her hands are frail and her hair seems almost like straw from lacking nutrients.

She's still beautiful to me.

There's a soft rap on the door, and Dr. Scott enters, a friendly smile on her olive-skinned face.

"Good morning, you two." She swiftly walks across the room and stands on the opposite side of the bed as me.

She looks down at Tris's and my hands and she smiles again.

"You ready to get out of here today, Tris?" She gently rubs her shoulder.

Tris looks at her, deep in concentration.

It's obvious that she wants to speak so badly, and it frustrates her that she can't.

Dr. Scott goes down and detaches the IV going into her foot from under the cast on her leg. Tris clenches her muscles when she goes near her leg, obviously still uneasy of people going near her leg; completely understandable.

From that point on, everything goes quickly and smoothly.

Julie pushed Tris in this bed on wheels down the hall and up to another floor and into a new hospital room.

I walked beside her, holding her hand in mine the whole time. She held my hand tightly, making sure I was still there and that I wasn't going to leave her.

I would never leave her.

I think it would be impossible to.

Especially after all we've been through together.

Thick and thin.

Our best and our worst.

Faked and true deaths.

And now this.

We have been mended.

We mended each other.

And it should be easier from this point on.

I can feel it.

Hi humans!

My finals are done!!! My last day of school is this upcoming Thursday, and then the majority of my time can be spent on this (along with reading and band...)

Qotc: Have you/ Are you reading my other FanFiction, 'The Life of Natalie Prior'?

Aotc: If not, you should... It's on extremely slow updates as of now, but I'm hoping to start it back up this summer.

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Be brave because I <4 you all so so much!!

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