Chapter 1

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Jason's pov

I was in Walmart getting groceries for me and the guys, we're leaving for the tour tonight, I was getting beer when I ran into someone else's buggy

"I am so sorry I wasn't" I said but stopped when I looked up and saw some one I haven't seen in almost a year my ex girlfriend Miranda and she had a little girl about six months old sitting in the front seat of the buggy

"Miranda, Miranda Brown what are you doing back I thought you moved to Florida" I asked

"Jason wow hey, um I did move to Florida but I met someone and we got married and we moved back" she said I couldn't stop staring at her or the baby

"wow um how have you been" I asked

"good I uh I became a photographer after four years of college I went back after we broke up" she said

"is she mine" I asked out of the blue she stopped talking

"yea her names Sierra shes six months old" she said

"why didn't you call me or write or something" I said

"Jason stop okay I don't have time for this I have to go, if you wanna talk about this call me I still have the same number" she said and then left, I have a kid, I have a daughter. Still in shock I paid for my groceries and went to the bus

"Jay whats up man you look like you've seen a ghost" Rich asked

"Mirandas back and I have a daughter she's six months old I can't believe after almost two years she shows up and she never thought to call me or text me that she was pregnant I've almost missed two years of my daughters life" I said

"man that's huge" Tully said

"I just can't believe she's back" I said I had to go somewhere, clear my head, so I went to the park and sat down. I took out my phone and looked at the last picture we took before we broke up she was the love of my life, we started dating sophomore year of highschool and then broke up our  senior year of college I remember it like it was yesterday


It was a party I was drunk and I accidentally made out with another girl

"baby please I didn't mean to I was drunk" I said

"forget it Jason it doesn't matter anymore, what's done is done and it's done between us. I'm sorry" she said kissing my cheek and then walking away. I was a wreck I drank too much, had two day hangovers, my grades were slipping I just didn't care anymore.

*end of flashback*

If I hadn't been a jerk maybe she wouldn't be gone and maybe we'd still be together, I diled her number and waited the phone rang and then she picked up

"hello" she said

"Miranda it's Jason uh can I come over I wanna talk about everything" I asked

"yea my address is 153 old mill drive third house on the left" she said

"okay I'll see you soon" I said and we hung up and I got in my truck and went to her house.

Mirandas pov

I heard Jasons truck pull up I took a deep breath and went to the front door

"hey thanks for letting me come over and talk" he said I nodded and let his inside,  Sierra was asleep in her playpen so we went to the kitchen

"frist off when did you find out that you were pregnant" he asked

"a few days before the party that's why I didn't drink, I was sick and tired all the time and none of my clothes fit so I knew something was wrong so I took a few test and they were all positive" I said

"why didn't you tell me" he said

"I tried but that's when I found you making out with Katie, I was furious and sad" I said


I can't believe it I'm pregnant I can't wait to tell Jason tonight at the party. After I got ready I went to the party which was at the football players dorm rooms and I was looking for Jason but couldn't find him anywhere.

"hey Leann have you seen Jason" I asked her

"no maybe he's inside" she said so I went inside and I went upstairs and into one of the rooms and found Jason kissing Katie

"Jason" I yelled

"babe um it's not what it looks like" he said

"yea sure" I said running outside with tears in my eyes.

*End of flashback*

"Miranda I'm so sorry if I could go back and change what happened that day I would in a heartbeat but please don't keep my baby girl away from me I'm missed almost a year and I don't wanna miss anymore" he said with tears in his eyes I nodded and was about to say something when Sierra started crying

"I think its time she meets her daddy" I said he smiled and we went to the living room

Jason's pov

It felt so good to hold my little girl for the first time Im so glad Mirandas letting me be in her life.

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