Chapter 5

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The rest of the week was riddled with tension. It became ritual that Averil and Ian sat at either side of her during lessons, but that didn’t fend off the looks she would get across the table—especially from Shanna. She would flee the building as soon as class ended, and hide at home until Averil got her out. Yet Averil couldn’t be trusted, either; if Olivia was frightened when she first arrived, now it was  worse. Other than Ian, she didn’t know who wanted her alive or dead. The difference was that now she knew about everything.

Olivia gazed out the window at a pale September morning. She wondered if there was trick-or-treating done in this place, and what it must look like. If this place gave her the creeps now, what would it be like with all the costumes? But that was just her overactive imagination. She wasn't used to being so lonely quite yet.

Olivia sighed and shut the curtains; she couldn't spend the entire day sitting here. But glancing at her math book, she felt reluctant for that as well. She grabbed her guitar and some new sheet music, then hurried out for some air. She settled onto the top step, just outside the door, and allowed herself a look around. She saw the cursed wishing well, far down the street—but not far enough.

Though Olivia much preferred the piano, sometimes the guitar did manage to suck her in. Whenever that happened, she didn’t feel so alone. That didn't happen today, though; Olivia couldn't get into that trance. It brought a desperation made her want to cry, but she cried too much lately—she would save her tears for later.

She sighed and looked up, only to find Ian standing there. The sound of the guitar must have distracted him on his way somewhere else, so he stopped to watch her play. Maybe it bothered him? Olivia suddenly wanted to retreat back into the house and hide. “Um...hi.”

“I like that song,” he said at last, as if feeling the need to explain his presence. Of course there was no need—she was playing on the side of the street!

“I've never heard it before, actually,” Olivia admitted, putting her guitar gently back on the ground.

“You haven't?” His voice betrayed disbelief.

She shook her head. “No. My mom works at the music store, and she gets free sheet music. This was in it.”

“Lucky,” Ian said under his breath.

“Where are you headed?” she finally asked, after a long pause, turning back to the sheet music awkwardly.

“There's a new bakery that opened down the street,” he replied. “It's only been around a few days. I got bored, decided to see if it's any good.”

“I haven't heard of it,” Olivia said honestly. “Um...let me know if it is.”

“Do you want to come?” he asked suddenly. “Find out for yourself?” Olivia stared at the guitar, trying to grasp his words—someone was inviting her somewhere! Not just any person, either—it was him! Her look startled Ian into another explanation. “I just figured you were alone, since you said the other day—”

“I would love to go,” Olivia interrupted him. She realized this was the first time in days that she smiled and meant it. “I'll go put this away.”

He looked relieved.

Inside the house, Olivia glared at her reflection in the mirror. He was being nice, but all she had done so far was make him uncomfortable. She owed him an apology, especially since she was normally alone—and it had been an awful day before now. But it was also kind of strange, though. Maybe that was why he invited her.

She blinked, then couldn't resist fixing her hair before heading back outside.

Ian was right where she left him. He looked up when he heard her approach and smiled; the silence became comfortable. She followed him down the sidewalk. There was a new bakery, about five minutes away. Unlike the schoolhouse, it was not curiously placed; the streets in front of it were busy, and it was not hidden from view. “How new is it?” she asked.

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