Red Butterflies

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Each cut tears your wings to fly
Each glide across your skin is a cry
It's silent, like the floating wings of a butterfly goes
Your pain is a secret that nobody knows

The colors you vibrate are slowly fading
The price you gave to sell your soul is paying
You wish to fly away from the pain
But, the devil keeps you insane

To drop the knife is hard to do
To spit out the pill is harder too
To loosen the noose is too much for you

Crying doesn't seem to help on sleepless nights
Knowing the next day you try is a fright
You can't spread your angelic wings
To know the pain you want, helps you cope things

You wish to hide back in your cocoon
To think you wish you leave this life so soon
Afraid to move away from the sadness you know
Afraid of finding yourself to grow

The more red you bleed it's just a start
Your skin may be tearing
But, you're falling more apart in your heart

One day, we'll all just be red butterflies
Just wishing to go away to fly
But, not away from the depression
Or, to go to help for confession
But, we all at one point wished for the sky

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