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I watch my breath puff out of my mouth as I make my way up the snowy hill. I smile. I look like a dragon. "Rawr," I mutter under my breath as another puff escapes.

I have my hands tucked into my pockets. Even though I'm wearing gloves, my fingers are still freezing. Suddenly I feel my foot slip on a patch of ice, and then both feet are out from under me and I'm falling. Thanks to my gloves, my hands are stuck in my pockets and I can't catch myself. I'm sliding down the hill like an out-of-control hockey puck. "Look out! Look out!" I shout at people, finally getting my hands out of my pockets and trying to motion for them to move. I still can't stop myself; I'm going too fast for that.

Then one boy was in my path and wouldn't move. Well, he probably would have if he had known what was happening. He was on his phone, completely ignoring the world around him. "Move!" I shouted, and he looked up just in time for me to completely bowl him over.

We slid down the hill the rest of the way together, all tangled up in a mass of limbs and snow.

When we finally skid to a stop, we both just kind of laid there for a minute or so, all tangled up, like a snowy sea anemone that's just been catapulted down a hill.

Well, maybe that wasn't the best reference, but that's what we looked like.

I look up at the boy, who is wearing a dark (wow, it's really soft, too) winter jacket and has brown hair cut in a style similar to mine. I start to chuckle. He's chuckling, too. And then we're both in hysterics, laughing until our sides are aching and we can barely breath.

"You- are- so- clumsy!" He managed between gasping laughs.

"I know!!" I laughed back, finally untangling myself. I stood and helped him up. "I'm Phil," I said, holding onto his hand a little too long.

"I'm Dan." He smiled crookedly at me.

"Wanna walk up the hill with me?" I motioned back toward the icy slope of death.

"Might as well... Hopefully I can keep you from mowing anyone else over," he chuckled again. "You're a menace to society, you know that?"

I blushed. "Yeah, I'm just really clumsy. You wouldn't believe this one time, when I was walking down the street and I tripped over...."

I continued my story as we walked back up the hill, smiling like idiots together.

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