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"Who in the hell is banging on my door at 3 in the bloody morning?!"

I stomp my way to the front door, pissed at being woken up. I fling it open to see a man who is probably only a little older than me standing in the hallway, wearing a colorful t-shirt and pajama bottoms printed with lions. He was covered in flour. Or... Some sort of white powdery substance. I'm going to hope it's flour.

I squint at him, sleepy-eyed. I vaguely recognize him. I think he just moved in next door, but I hadn't met him yet. Frankly, I didn't really plan on going over there to meet him, either.

"What?" I snap after he didn't say anything.

"Uh- er, can... Can I borrow some eggs?" He asked, flipping his black hair out of his eyes.

"Eggs." He has got to be kidding me right now.

"Yeah. I know it's really early-"

"It's three bloody a.m.," I cut him off, still not moving from the doorway.

"I... I know, but you see, I just really wanted some cookies," the man said, as if that explained everything.

"I thought you wanted eggs."

"I do! They're for the cookies. I'm trying to bake some cookies, but I realized that I don't actually have any eggs, and I figured that I could just come and ask you for some...?" He trailed off, seeing the look on my face.

I heaved a sigh. I might as well go give him the damn eggs, if he isn't going to leave me alone. "Come on in," I said as I shuffled my way to my fridge. I rummaged around for a moment before pulling out the carton.

"I only need two," he said. I handed him two eggs. "Thank you, ...."

"Dan. My name is Dan," I told him as I put the carton back in the fridge.

"I'm Phil," he smiled at me.

"It's nice to meet you, Phil. Now please let me go back to sleep."

"Oh! Right, of course... I'll see you around, Dan," he smiled again, and shut the door softly behind him.

I stood leaned against the breakfast bar for a moment. There's no way I could fall back asleep now. And that Phil guy was... Well.

I heaved another sigh as I made my way out into the hallway. I can't believe I'm doing this, I thought as I knocked on Phil's door. He opened it wide, surprised to see me standing there.

"Hi," I greeted. "Can... Can I help you make some cookies? If- if you don't mind. I just... Well. Cookies started to sound really good." I smiled at him. He now had a streak of flour across his cheek, and some in his hair.

"Sure!" He grinned, and I laughed a little in relief before following him into his flat.

Phil. There's really no one else like him, I think as we laugh over the gooey cookies coming out of the oven. Maybe this is where friendship starts.

And then again, maybe this is something more.

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