Epilogue: Heaven

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Xavier Micheals sat on the edge of a crumbling stone temple. It looked old, but old was not the right word. It was timeless, as was everything here. Vines curled up the pillars and weeds grew from cracks in the stone. He looked out over heaven and he was at peace.

Xavier was not alone, but it was impossible to tell how long it had been that way. Whether He had always been there and had just made His presence known, or if He had just flickered into existence moments before was unimportant.

"How have you been?" Penemue asked.

A warm smile spread across Xavier's face. "Well, very well, thank you. I lived a small, human life, but it was a good one. Sometimes I wondered if you would be disappointed in me for being content with it."

Penemue laughed. "Your life, Xavier, was the furthest thing from small I can imagine."

"Enough about me, "Xavier pushed. "What about you, did you find what you were looking for? Are you happy?"

There was a long pause. "Yes, I think I did. Am I happy? That is harder to answer. Not in the same way I would have been before I became what I am. But to give you an answer you can understand: yes, most of the time. Sometimes I feel guilty. Sometimes I wish I could have found a way to claw myself from my cave that was not so underhanded."

"Well, as long as you don't hate yourself as much as Sara did the universe should be stable." Xavier said it like a joke but there was sorrow in his words. "So," he changed the subject, "You have any answers for me? About the universe?"

"Not to break an old promise, but to put what I know into words seems almost impossible."

"It's alright, Pen..."

Penemue cut him off before he could say any more. "I said almost. I will come back and visit you, and when I do I will try to think of a way to share at least something small with you. Oh, Xavier," he sighed. "I would never admit this to Tamiel, but you're really the only one I came back to visit. You're my anchor to this universe, to humanity."

Everything had changed, but at the same time nothing had.

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