Pre-Case File: Depression and Suicide vs. Attention Seekers

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Adam-Good Cop Log: 5/29/2016

What me and the other owners of this account have noticed is that there's something spreading like wildfire... people claiming they're going to end their life.

The way I'm going to talk about this is very... controversial in some ways. I'm only expressing my personal opinion, and giving a basic outline about how a future case may turn out.

Now, in this situation, there's always 2 sides to the coin. I'll be categorizing people into 2 categories, and will not name anyone specifically.

1. Those who are actually depressed and need help and support.
2. Attention seekers.

There are two many of the latter on here. It's honestly sickening how low people will drop for some attention. It's hard to help those who need it when these flood the community.

There's a few ways to notice if someone is only seeking attention. As a reminder, this isn't a completely accurate chart. It's just a list of similar traits these people have expressed in the past.

1- Ellipsis (a.k.a. "...")

Usually, attention seekers will use a lot of these. --> ...
It's a way to seem overly dramatic, and to have people sympathize with you. This doesn't guarantee they're only seeking attention, but it has become a pattern.
Ex: I'm doing fine... Stop asking...

2- Expressiveness

Most of the time, someone who is suicidal won't tell anyone, and whoever they may tell, they plead for them to keep it a secret. If someone is shouting on their profile chat area that they're going to commit suicide on a certain date, it's almost always a bluff. It's actually better to analyze a more silent friend to determine if they're experiencing these thoughts.

3- Bipolar Personalities

From what I've seen, the attention seekers will push their friends away, and try to pull them back to them not long after. It's a way for them to feel noticed and not forgotten. This goes hand and hand with the first two. They will openly express that they're ending their lives, maybe mention it's because of a friend, and insert a few of these. ---> ...

Reminder. This isn't 100% accurate. If anyone appears to be depressed, I urge you to help them. This was just a list of signs I've noticed for finding these people. The thing is though...

You shouldn't ignore them.

Most actually ARE suffering from depression! Not everyone has the courage to end their lives, but may hate the conditions of their current lifestyle. It's a cry for help, that's for certain, but that's not always a bad thing. It's actually the opposite.

We need to make anyone feel better if possible. We need to stand together to help those who are lonely. To help those who are depressed. To help those who are suffering. To help anyone. To help EVERYONE.

I hope whoever reads this can take it into consideration, and comfort those in need.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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